How Writing a Book Can Build Your Brand

How Writing a Book Can Build Your Brand

There’s no doubt that writing a book can build your brand. In fact, most authors will tell you there are significant boosts they had not considered until their books were available for purchase. And here’s the thing… it’s not as hard as you think.

how writing a book can build your brand

How Writing a Book Can Build Your Brand

If the thought of becoming a published author sounds intimidating and downright scary, allow me to soothe your nerves. For starters, I always recommend that people start participating in an anthology. This alleviates the pressures of having to find a publishing company or learning the ropes of self-publishing. An anthology also gently introduces you to the writing process while giving you the benefits of being a published author.

With this in mind, let’s look at how writing a book can give your brand a much-needed boost.

Writing a book can increase your visibility.

Being a mindset and visibility coach, this is one of the areas that I most womenpreneurs struggle in the most. It’s easy to see a field as saturated or even feel like you haven’t found your voice, both being major hindrances of showing up in your field. But when you step out as a published author, your visibility and profile is almost instantaneously increased.

You will build credibility.

The number one reason why clients pay coaches, teachers, purchase courses, or spend money on any kind of resource is because they trust the person they’re buying from. When you add the title “author” to your name, you are telling your ideal client that you know even more of what you’re talking about and what you have to offer them. Not having the author title in front of your name doesn’t discredit you by any means; however, having it definitely helps establish more authority.

Becoming a published author will help open new opportunities.

Brand building involves increasing your audience and ideal client reach. When participating in an anthology, for example, new doors of opportunities open. From invitations to speak in conferences or on podcasts to creating a course based on the book, these opportunities become much easier to come by. 

Writing a book helps you create a long-lasting impact.

I’m sure one of your top goals is to make an impact on others, but what does the how look like? When you decide to become an author, this adds to that answer. You may choose to make an impact by creating a coaching program, creating a course, or launching a training vault. Regardless, having written a book will come with the benefits of impacting others for weeks, months, and years to come.

Final Thoughts

If you’ve never considered becoming an author, I strongly encourage you to. The pros far outweigh the cons, especially when you partner with someone like me who is devoted to helping other women of faith in business boost their brand visibility and multiply their streams of income. Each year, I partner with other women to write and publish an anthology geared toward a variety of topics and fields and you’re invited to participate. To learn more about what this means, click here!

What is an Anthology and Why You Should be Part of One

What is an Anthology and Why You Should be Part of One

What is an anthology? I’m going to answer this question and more! You see, most women in business that I talk to have deep desires to write a book or at least be part of writing one (also known as an anthology). Sadly, many of them never pursue that dream for a variety of reasons. Over the past couple of years, I’ve been able to help women break out of the belief system that they could never be an author and not only become a published author but also leverage the opportunity to grow their business. If you’ve never heard of or thought of being part of an anthology, keep reading to find out why you should be part of one.

what is an anthology?

What is an anthology?

In short, an anthology is a collection of written work. They can be written on a number of topics and include any number of combined authors. The thought of doing something like this may still sound intimidating; however, there are many benefits to participating in a collective published work.

Benefits of Participating in an Anthology

It’s an easier way to become a published author.

By participating in an anthology, you are automatically cutting your publishing work in half. In other words, you won’t have to worry about the editing, book cover, formatting, and a number of other things that traditionally come with publishing a book. You’ll also not pay near as much as if you went with a publishing company to publish your own story.

You get author support.

With my anthologies in particular, I offer personalized coaching sessions, advice, tips, and tools to help bring your story to life. We ensure you are sharing your story in a way that will speak to and draw the attention of your ideal audience and client. And, you’ll receive the support you need to be confident in your new title as a Published Author.

There is the opportunity to make a global impact.

In the modern days, business doesn’t start or stop at the doors of a physical building. In times past, it wasn’t as easy to hop online and order a book written by someone halfway across the world. Today, the walls are down and the impacts that can be made are huge. Participating in an anthology automatically increases your chances of reaching people in completely different countries. Not to mention, the network and connections made with others in the industry are monumental.

Why should you be part of an anthology?

The answer is simple. You have a voice that needs to be heard and an impact that needs to be felt. If you feel deep down in your core that you have words that need to be spoken – or in this case, written – then you should be part of an anthology. Continuing to hold onto a piece of your gifts and abilities is similar to robbing yourself and others. 

Yes, I know there may be some hurdles to jump and some mindset blocks to navigate, but we can work through those.

To date, I have linked arms with over 20 women to put together 3 different anthologies. Each one was unique and catered specifically to its purpose at the time. And this year won’t be any different. 

In fact, I’m already calling for women of faith in business who are looking to become published authors in 2022. I’m looking for women who want to share a piece of their business with the world and connect with their ideal audience and clients in a way like they never have before.

Does this sound like you? If so, I’d love to have you join our next anthology. Don’t miss this chance to take your business to the next level!

3 Benefits of Investing in a Training Vault with an Inner Circle Coaching Call

3 Benefits of Investing in a Training Vault with an Inner Circle Coaching Call

There are many benefits to investing in a training vault with an inner circle coaching call. While most training vaults are simply a dump of valuable information geared toward helping boost your business, there’s something extra special about one that has an inner circle coaching call.

Benefits of investing in a training vault with inner circle coaching call.

What is an inner circle coaching call?

An inner circle coaching call typically consists of a lesson or review of a particular topic, concept, and/or strategy. These also include a Q&A session followed by a time for hot seat coaching. Overall, these calls give you exclusive access to coaches that otherwise would not be provided.

They are intended to give you extra boosts for your business as well as hands-on and practical tasks that can be implemented immediately in your life and business. This type of coaching also requires some commitment on behalf of those receiving it, especially to get the biggest benefits.

Although the coach can give you all the key pointers to taking your business to the next level, they can’t do the work for you. Overall, an inner circle coaching call works as an ebb and flow with ensuring you get to your next level of success.

3 Benefits of Investing in a Training Vault With an Inner Circle Coaching Call

A training vault paired with an inner circle coaching call helps give you unique strategies for your business.

Having the proper strategies for your business is critical in order for any business to grow. Simply starting a business and hoping things will work out will only get you so far. Having access to a training vault full of digital and printable resources gives you hands-on materials that can be used in the present and the future. Pairing an inner circle coaching will often build upon the resources already found in the training vault and in return, take the guesswork out of identifying and implementing specific strategies for your business.

Investing in a training vault with an inner circle coaching call gives tailored help with different aspects of your business.

Every entrepreneur will encounter a variety of roadblocks, setbacks, and hiccups. These aren’t necessarily bad unless they are hindering you from experiencing growth in your business. With the help of a training vault paired with an inner circle coaching call, you can get coaching on specific things. This can be stuff you are dealing with in your business or personal life. Sure, you can read some books and listen to a few podcasts; however, having these other two resources in your corner will add what the others can’t do.

When you invest in a training vault with an inner circle coaching call you experience faster growth in your business.

Of course, the results are completely dependent upon the work you are putting in, but having this intimate group-style coaching opportunity is monumental for any entrepreneur. Training vaults alone simply provide you with resources that you’ll need to watch, download, and implement into your business. Coaching calls alone typically do not come with many tangible resources, if any at all. A training vault plus inner circle coaching call gives you the best of both services.

Final Thoughts

If you haven’t started investing in your business, I personally suggest doing so as soon as possible. While there are a lot of options out there to choose from, you can’t go wrong with utilizing a training vault. You surely don’t want to miss out on one with an inner circle coaching call. My clients have always jumped on this opportunity when my vault doors open. They know they will get their desired results.

You’re invited to join my next open session!

How Soulfully Aligned You Was Born

How Soulfully Aligned You Was Born

People often ask how Soulfully Aligned You was born, and I realize that I haven’t quite told this story before. I’m always intrigued by how others started their businesses and from what deep places their motivation comes from. So, it’s only proper that I tell you about mine!

The Inner Battle

Before I ever started college, I had this inner battle about leaving my church to go off to college and pursue a degree in Psychology. I was warned by spiritual leaders that psychology would lead me away from God. So there was always this looming fear that I would renounce my faith to this secular industry of psychology. 

 With that fear, I sought to get my masters in counseling at a christian college and guess what?  Pushing past that fear was the best decision I ever made. That program actually drew me closer to God. I was excited to be going into the counseling field and then I hit snag. I wouldn’t be getting my licensure due to military relocation and now I’d have to chart my own path. 

God’s Plans vs. My Plans

God sent me on an unsuspecting path of pursuing an old passion of makeup artistry. During that time, I didn’t realize it would be a training ground for the mindset and visibility coaching I am presently doing today. The lessons learned during this time would prepare me for helping women who are wanting to take their desires and pivot or launch their passions. It would give me the confidence to help me take their passions from their little secret journals to a living breathing reality. 

In my pursuit to grow my business again, that looming fear that business and money would lead me away from God began to stir up again. As a woman of faith, when you love God, you get cautious about the things that could possibly distract you, but you must be careful not to allow that caution to turn into fear. 

How Soulfully Aligned You Was Born

What I know from this journey is that walking fully in your calling to the marketplace as a Christian Woman can be a foggy journey with unwarranted fears. It can come with triggers from your past, twists and turns, and ups and downs. You may even begin questioning yourself, not believing in yourself, and comparing yourself. At other times you may find yourself being okay with the status quo, not recognizing your worth, and playing way too small.

I was playing too small by hiding out in the makeup industry knowing that God was calling me to do much more than makeup! There’s a season for preparation and growth but at some point you either have to launch out or pivot into your more! When I found the Splankna Therapy Institute, that was my opportunity to pivot into my more. I took a leap of faith to learn this beautiful inner healing and mind body protocol and my life has never been the same. 

Here I was a pro makeup artist with a Masters in Human Service Counseling in a room filled mainly with licensed therapists. I had the subtle thought “I don’t belong here.” In my training class there may have been 3 of us outliers who weren’t “qualified,” but that was okay because God had other plans for me. I had no clue how big they were. 

I’m forever grateful to Sarah for allowing non licensed people to take her training. With her, the foundation for bridging the gap between mind body psychology, business coaching, and spirituality set my coaching business in motion. 

My makeup artistry is about simplistic and natural outer beauty transformations that build confidence in women. My holistic coaching and training company is about an inner transformation. The kind that helps you manifest your God-inspired goals and desires for your life and business by walking in alignment. And not just any alignment, but aligned with the truth about what God believes about who you are and your abilities.  

Beauty, Beliefs & Business

When you get connected with my businesses you can choose to “get coached”, “become a coach” or “become an artist”. Our coach training is unique in that we teach you coaching principles rooted in rewiring the mindset of your clients through prayer, mind body protocols, and inner healing principles. We have 4 spots for private coaching available and enrollment for our mindset mastery coach training 2021 fall term is open too! We have a DIY version and a live version.

3 Struggles with Visibility

3 Struggles with Visibility

Ask any woman in business about her struggles and being visible will most likely be at the top of the list. But why is that?

If you’ve spent any time on my blog or in my Facebook group then you know my number one answer is always limiting beliefs. Another answer I have for that question is the mindset.

Both of these are such strong pieces that must be in place in order for you to see the entire picture of business, let alone your ideal client. Here are three struggles that come with being visible in your business and one tip to challenge you to begin overcoming them.

3 Struggles with Visibility

Before diving into the three struggles with visibility, it’s important to understand what it is in the first place. Simply put, visibility involves how you show up in the world, in your field, and for your ideal client.

It involves being able to confidently communicate your products and services in a way that leads people to trust you and what you’re offering them. It also involves the tasks necessary to put yourself out there to be seen in the first place.

With this in mind, let’s chat about the struggles with visibility. 

struggle #1: limiting beliefs

I will forever be a slayer of limiting beliefs, and you should be too! These don’t miraculously go away simply because you’ve dealt with one this year or last year.

These will continue to arise as you move forward in your business. And honestly, they need too so you don’t become stuck or hindered in any way.

Limiting beliefs often come in forms of stories or thoughts that you believe about yourself and play a major role in how you show up in your business. With limiting beliefs playing on the record player, you’re most likely not showing up in your full potential.

struggle #2: interpretation

In my most recent podcast episode (check it out below), I shared part of my story linked to a particular limiting belief. The primary lesson I learned involved my interpretation of how a certain event happened.

Oftentimes, this can be the case for you. Perhaps the way you’re remember an incident or situation was interpreted in a way that then caused you to believe something less than about yourself.

Interpretation are certainly something to work through and correct if they are hindering your visibility whatsoever.

struggle #3: mindset

Of course I’m going to talk about mindset. It’s one of the top reasons why we have any issues at all, especially when it comes to showing up in our business.

Mindset is a work that I believe will always be ongoing. There will always be something to work through and overcome, but it’s the systems we set in place that will determine whether or not something is working for or against you.

how to overcome visibility sturggles

We can all agree that part of the struggle with visibility is the fear of taking up too much space or not being accepted by others.

With that in mind, I challenge you to do something that will most likely take you completely out of your comfort zone. I want you to take up MORE space. Yes, you read that right.

I want you to push your boundaries a bit and physically take up more space. Whether you’re on the couch in your living room, attending a business meet and greet, or making a post in a Facebook group – take up more space.

Listen to my latest Soulfully Aligned You podcast episode to hear even more about the struggles with visibility and how to begin overcoming them.

The 3 C’s of Visibility

The 3 C’s of Visibility

Let’s talk about the 3 C’s of visibility. Being visible in your business is absolutely necessary, but it can often be seen as a difficult task. This doesn’t have to be the case at all! In my thinking about how to make it as simple as possible, I’ve broken it down into what I call the 3 C’s.

The 3 C's of visibility.

The 3 C’s to Visibility

The 3 C’s to Visibility: Clarity

It’s so important to understand your packaging, especially when it comes to visibility. As a business owner, you have the luxury of creating whatever you want to the capacity you desire. However, in all your creating, I genuinely believe that having a signature package is super important. It is from your signature package that you can begin to roll off other little products, services, and packages. 

Your signature package gives you clarity of what your high ticket offer is and from there, you can create down-sells and other offers leading up to that one. All too often, what ends up happening is women offer way too many options, services, and packages that don’t quite clarify what it is they are doing and how they can actually help their clients. 

It’s important to get clarity on what you’re offering, what solutions you can provide to clients, and how that will look when rolled out into the world. 

Boldness in Visibility: Confidence

Confidence is something that starts the moment you create whatever you’re going to use to put your business and offerings out there, especially with onboarding. Be clear in your process for promoting and onboarding. The last thing you want is for someone to come into your inbox, ready to work with you, yet you’re response is murky and not clear.

How confident you are in that process will speak volumes. Of course, this can be seen in all aspects of how you communicate with potential clients. From sending a link to scheduling a discovery call, being confident is absolutely necessary. 

The truth of the matter is people are going to reach out to you. They are going to show some kind of interest in your business and services. But even then, you have to decide how much of your energy are you going to expel out. How much of yourself are you going to give? This also means asking yourself how confident are you going to be in sticking with the process versus jumping and reacting at everyone that comes into your space? 

Another thing to be mindful of is to not let your lack of confidence cause you to create a dissonance in the services you provide. For example, if your high ticket program is $3000, yet you’re not confident enough to ask for it, you’ll end up pitching something less than and not meet the needs of your client.


This may not seem like something that’s business-related, but it is. I believe every business should have conviction because it is going to help you stand out among the rest. It is going to help you be more creative and purposeful in what you offer. This includes being so in tune with God that you’ll know exactly what you need to offer. Use your convictions to steer you in the direction of knowing exactly what you need to offer and why. 

Having conviction also deals with helping you be genuine in your visibility. It will help you to not fall for the vanity matrix versus being genuine in your business and showing up as such. Conviction will help you be true to who you are and your passions to show up and give your clients a life-changing breakthrough in their life. 

Final Thoughts

Running a passion-based business will require you to have clarity, be confident, and have conviction. Overall, this is a mindset that will impact everything that you decide to do in your business. It will affect your visibility and how you show up. You’ll want your strategies and everything you do in your business to be in alignment, and from there you will soar. I’m a walking, talking testimony of this to be true!

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