3 Beliefs That Hinder Your Visibility & Business Growth

3 Beliefs That Hinder Your Visibility & Business Growth

Every successful entrepreneur will admit there are beliefs that can hinder your visibility and business growth. The reason why some don’t succeed is that they ignore the hindrances and eventually burn out or quit. I don’t want this to be the case for you, and it’s why I invest so much time in mindset work. If you are believing any of the beliefs below, it’s time to recognize it and release it. You deserve it!

3 Beliefs That Hinder Your Visibility & Business Growth

“I don’t really have a clear idea of what I want.”

It’s okay to do some soul searching to pinpoint your passions, but oftentimes the hindrance lies in not having clarity. Whether you’re trying to fix your business to one passion or nervous about melting together multiple passions, having clarity will unlock your ability to be confident, visible, and reach goals with ease.

“What I have is not valuable enough.”

This belief is near the top of the list for every client I have worked with to date. It’s something I have even struggled with, which is why I know it to be a real visibility and alignment killer. You were created, designed, and structured with a unique way to communicate your passions and calling to the world. And because God created you, that alone makes your products and services valuable.

“I’m really not sure what I should be doing.”

Starting your business is one thing, but coming up with your trackable systems is another. I totally get it. It’s easy to get bombarded and side-tracked with all the 5-step programs and promises that if you do something this way, you’ll have a good system in place. That’s not always the case and I believe it takes a little mindset work.

How to Overcome What Hinders Your Visibility & Business Growth

I would need to write a new book to get to the foundations of this answer, but I will give you a short and sweet answer. I believe cutting the anchors starts with mindset and inner work.

Most people want to go from idea to instantly arrived – all without dealing with the inner work. And, without understanding the transition processes that take mindset work. And most of all, ignoring (or not dealing with) limiting beliefs and other hindrances.

I loved my chat with Zoe Dee in this week’s podcast episode because she kept it so real about this very subject. We went deep about processes, shifts, and realizing what’s needed to get where you’re going. Listen to the podcast below!

Help is here!

I’m opening the Mindset Mastery Training Vault and it. Is. PACKED. From visibility, money, and sales mindset to overcoming beliefs at the cellular level, you’ll experience breakthroughs that will lead to you shifting, transforming, and being ready to show up and out in your business!

We get started the first week of June so sign up now!

How to Confidently Be Visible Despite Spiritual Wounding

How to Confidently Be Visible Despite Spiritual Wounding

Spiritual wounding isn’t a topic that is discussed too often in the world of being an entrepreneur. Most people may shrug it off as having nothing to do with being visible or business growth. Contrary to that belief, the truth is it has everything to do with it. Here’s why…

How to confidently be visible despite spiritual wounding.

What is spiritual wounding?

Spiritual wounding can take many forms. It can be wounds from the church, doctrine used as a weapon, or even parents who used spiritual matters inappropriately. Each of these examples, and those not mentioned, can (and often do) instill wounds that affect perceptions of how you see yourself.

These misperceptions then show up later in life through bad relationships, low self-esteem, procrastination, inability to fully pursue dreams, and more. That’s why it is important to identify with spiritual wounding could be hindering your creativity and ability to be fully visible in your business.

How to Confidently Be Visible Despite Spiritual Wounding

You may not always be able to readily identify when spiritual wounding is the culprit, but in most cases, it shows up and cripples you from being your best version of you. You may find yourself living in a clam shell, so to speak. It can also keep you silent and crippled when it comes to truly expressing yourself. Here are several ways to confidently be visible with your gifts despite spiritual wounding.

Tap into your childhood passions.

Think back to when you were a child. How did thinking about your passions back then make you feel? Like most kids, you were probably giggly, bubbly, and joyful at the thought of stepping into what you imagined. Remember what that felt like and allow yourself to feel those feelings again, especially in all its innocence.

Use your passion to spark creativity.

This suggestion can also go back to childhood, but more so with the idea of letting yourself be creative. Your God-given gifts and abilities have fully equipped you to do what you are called to do. Although spiritual wounding may try to get you side-tracked and judging yourself, be confident in knowing that God has equipped you and you have His creativity within you.

Work through the wounds openly.

Most people believe they have to be in solitude and quiet while working through any baggage and mess. The truth is you could impact and change many lives in the process of you bring open about your healing. Of course you don’t have to disclose every little detail and air out all your dirty laundry; however, there are times when it is absolutely appropriate to open. This may also help you heal much faster as well.

A woman breaking through spiritual wounds and being visible in her business.

Remember why you’re being visible.

On one hand, you’re being visible because you want to reach your ideal client. On the other hand, your focus should be on pleasing God and glorifying Him with your gifts. When these two things are the primary focus, you are more likely to not only show up, but do so in a confident way.

Resources to Help You Breakthrough Spiritual Wounding

There are many programs and services available today that promises you breakthrough. And while I’m not knocking any of those, I must admit that I’ve been given a special program from God that is meant to help you shift your beliefs and boost your brand visibility. I’ve been in the place of being on fire and wanting to share my passions with the world, yet crippled by spiritual wounds, past condemnations, and personal judgement.

That’s why I created the Boost Your Visibility program. You’ll learn how to communicate online to boost your visibility and confidently leverage complementary platforms to boost your visibility. (Jump on that waitlist now!)

To hear what this sounds like in action, check out my most recent podcast episode of Soulfully Aligned You. One of my past coaching clients, Prophetic Artist Deryn, shares how she has climbed out of her clamshell and now she sees how her current brand reflects her God-given childhood passions. 

Final Thoughts

Your past doesn’t have to continue identifying your present and future. Instead, it’s time to heal from it and leverage it in your business so you can confidently show up and reach your ideal clients. Use the suggestions mentioned above to get started doing just that. And in the meantime, jump on the Boost Your Visibility program waitlist and listen to podcast episode 18!

The Secret to Intuitively Tracking Your Systems to Implement in Your Business

The Secret to Intuitively Tracking Your Systems to Implement in Your Business

When it comes to intuitively tracking your systems to implement in your business, do you draw a blank? Get overwhelmed? Possibly even stress out a little bit? Being visible in your business means you have to be really clear about your purpose and your mission. Unfortunately, when we try to be strategic about it (titling a blog, launching a podcast, creating content for a mini-course, etc.), we sometimes draw a blank. Keep reading for one of my best-kept secrets to tracking your system and moving forward in your business.

The secret to intuitively tracking your systems to implement in your business.

What do I mean by “intuitively tracking your systems”?

The term intuitively tracking your system may sound new and intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. In a nutshell, every business has – or should have – a strategy to reach its defined goals and experience business success. This system is typically tied to a framework that can track the actions that will lead to the anticipated results. It becomes intuitive the moment you allow yourself to move on intuition. If you are a business coach, one of your top goals is to most likely see transformation in your clients and/or their business. Your intuitive and strategic formula is how they will get there.

In another example… Let’s say you are trying to properly define your mini-course. Your ability to track your system will help you use the content you’ve created to come up with the best possible title for it. The question now becomes, “How do I intuitively track my system and build a strategic formula?”

3 Ways to Intuitively Tracking Your Systems

First, let’s clear the record. Oftentimes we think we have to start from a place of knowing our system when sometimes it comes intuitively. So, I’d like to teach you a little “secret” to going back and being able to track the value that you are giving and to be able to track your own systems that you can begin to implement inside of your own business.

Think about your gifting.

God has placed a gifting inside of every single person He creates. All we have to do is be aware of it and tap into it! What are some of the things you are currently doing that come naturally? Do you like to talk, write, create services to help others, etc.? You’re most likely already implementing these within your business practices without much effort. However, because they come so naturally to you, I doubt you’re seeing them as a trustworthy piece that can be used to develop your own intuitive system.

Be aware of your gifting.

One way to be aware of the gifts God has placed in you is to freely go live and talk. By operating in the freedom to go live, you’re giving yourself the opportunity to show up and share value. You may not realize it at the time, but when you feel inspired to share a help piece with the world, you have then put yourself into a place of increased value. You are subconsciously telling people, “Hey, you can trust me because I want to help you.” You’re also tapping into your ability to create a unique system that can be used to further grow your business.

Use the value of your gifting.

Once you’ve begun putting yourself out there, especially by going live, you then have content that you can backtrack over to come up with your ideal system to implement in your business. In my most recent podcast episode, I shared part of a live coaching session where I helped a client identify over 10 blog post titles alone solely based on one of the times she went live (and I just so happened to tune in). In the matter of her talking just a few minutes, I was able to pull a variety of things that could be the start of blog posts, mini-courses, ebooks, and more.

The “Secret” to Tracking Your System Exposed

By now, you’ve probably noticed that this isn’t much of a secret at all. The truth of the matter is, most people are not told that they already possess everything they need to create and implement their own systems. I admit that I didn’t know this upfront either. I had always wondered how people came up with their titles, programs, or services, such as “5 Secrets to ______” or “3 Ways to Overcome ______.” And the secret is, they tracked it from their own previously created content.

As you get ideas, write them down. When you go live, go back and listen to yourself and take notes. If you’re writing a blog post, save the title for last, and even then, go back through it and identify a process or system that you’ve subconsciously created. It’s all there… created by you, for you to implement in your business. You already have everything you need for creating systems that will be used by your clients.

Listen to this week’s Soulfully Aligned You, episode 16: Live Coaching Part 2: Intuitively Tracking Your Formula when giving value for coaches!! here.

How to Position Your Website to Stand Out and Get Noticed

How to Position Your Website to Stand Out and Get Noticed

I was so excited to find out that my blog made the 10 best coach website designs for 2020! Of course this poses the question of how is that possible? Read on to find out my top 5 tips for how to position your website to stand out and get noticed.


If you want to stand out, first and foremost it is important to have a website that speaks to your brand and message. This gives those searching for services and products and who like what you offer the ability to even find you in the first place. They will be able to see, read, and experience you. Thi will all aid in if they want to do business with you, or not. Keep in mind that behind your website should be a trusted website host. I use and highly recommend BlueHost.

Now let’s talk about making your website stand out…


It’s pretty safe to say that a great menu structure can save even the most confusing looking website (although confusing is not what you want). When your menu is structured in a way that is easy to see and navigate, you will more than likely experience more clicks and longer visit rates.

Some may say that you want to keep your menu short and sweet; however, I actually have 8 tabs which all clearly define what you can find on my website. I don’t want anything hidden, rather than showing visitors all I have to offer up front.


Color is everything, and typically this can be the hardest thing to decide on. I recommend looking at different color palettes and going with what resonates with you. If you like pastels, go pastel. If you like poppy colors, go poppy!

It is totally up to you the color scheme that you choose, but be sure to stay true to your personality and don’t deviate! Color should just as importantly speak to your ideal clients and potential customers. It should tell a story and be the voice for your brand. 


If you want people to get a personal feel for you when they visit your website, use more images of yourself than others. Show people your personality, style, and character by letting them see you. This will take a small investment in getting some professional pictures taken, but it is worth it.

Once you have your pictures, position them on several different pages and in strategic places. I typically go for the top left of pages and occasionally in the margins.


Positioning your call to action is super important, especially if you want people to actually take advantage of what you have to offer. The worst thing you can do is send people on a wild goose chase to connect with you. And don’t think you can have too many calls to action.

You’ll notice a call to action on every single one of my pages, blog posts, and in the margin. Why? Simply put, I want to clearly communicate that I am ready and willing to work with them. I do not want to be shy about my services, let alone hide them!


A clean design may be a matter of perspective, but outside looking in, a clean design is one that is clutter-free, bright-colored, and free from too many distractions. Think whitespace, minimal designs, and good scrolling animations. These designs are easy on the eyes, making it easy to read and navigate. We used Divi Theme for our site and our customer sites!!

In essence, having a website is a must. Creating it with a design that helps it stand out and get noticed is a necessity. However, behind any great website is a soulful brand strategy that aids the design, structure, and purpose of the website. Want support building a website with a clean design, clear call to actions, great images, aligned color scheme and relevant menu structure? Book a discovery call with us and I’ll be totally honest on if you’re ready to invest in a website at this time or not!!

4 Reasons Why You Need a Brand Strategy

4 Reasons Why You Need a Brand Strategy

4 Reasons Why You Need a Brand Strategy

This post may contain affiliate links. For full affiliate disclosure click here.

When you hear the term brand strategy, what comes to mind? For most people, they instantly think about creating a branding board, jotting down some goals, or maybe even writing a little business plan.

The truth of the matter is a brand strategy is so much more. In a nutshell, this strategy is the long-term plan that will determine the successfulness of your brand – or business. It should be well-defined with the ability to be executed. A good brand strategy connects your business to meeting consumer needs, their emotions, and competitive environments.

With these aspects in mind, let’s talk about four reasons why you need a brand strategy.

A Brand Strategy Helps You Define Your Purpose & Mission

In order to have an idea of where you want your business to go, you’ll want to have an understanding of what it’s going to do. Your mission statement will help you define the impact your business will make. It can also bring clarity to your purpose.

The purpose of your business should define why it is necessary. Why do people need your service? Why would they need to buy your product? Your purpose, and mission combined, should fill holes in a given market.

A Brand Strategy Helps You Share Your Value

We are living in a day and age where brands are losing customers left and right based on their values – and rightfully so. Defining clear brand values can be one of the biggest determining factors of a customer and/or client taking advantage of what you have to offer.

When considering brand values, think about what you like or dislike about other companies. Do you want to come off as people-oriented and passion-centered, or money hungry and only out for gain? Whatever you choose, keep in mind what you’d like customers to say about your business.

A Brand Strategy Helps You Position Your Business

Any successful business owner (small or large) will tell you that positioning is everything. Many entrepreneurs find themselves quitting early on in their journey mainly due to poor positioning. If your business looks like everyone else’s, how is it truly set apart?

Understanding positioning will help your business tremendously. The first step is to make sure you are reaching your target audience/customer. The second step is to decide what level of positioning you desire: product attributes, benefits, or beliefs and values.

While all three levels have their own type of success, connecting with your ideal customer/client through beliefs and values seems to be the seal dealer. This level focuses on creating passion and excitement around your brand. While considering the position of brand, take the time to nail down your mission and vision and what your brand should be and do.

A Brand Strategy Helps You Execute Your Business Plan

A good brand strategy will work like a puzzle, all of the pieces eventually fitting together to see the big picture of your business. While every decision made may come with a learning curve, setbacks, and/or victories – having a strategy can help keep the big picture in view. 

The job isn’t complete once you have your brand strategy. The next things to do are develop your brand voice and personality. Don’t worry, your brand strategy will help with this by helping you keep all aspects of your business aligned. If ever you feel like your business is not operating properly, or maybe you feel chaotic, return to your brand strategy.

If you’ve read this far and realize that you could use some help with creating your brand strategy, you’re in luck. As an intuitive business coach and inner healing practitioner, I will help you get aligned with your God-given purpose to thrive in life and business.

Click below to schedule your free complimentary clarity session!

Enjoy this blog? Please spread the word 🙂

Justina Ford


Justina holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, a Master’s in Human Service Counseling focused in Business, and additional training in the Emotional Freedom Technique and Splankna Therapy. She is an Amazon #1 International Best-Selling Author, Huffington Post Contributor and Contributing Author of Notes to Younger Women. She also serves as a Commercial Makeup Artist to Professional Photographers, Marketing and Advertising Teams. She is an intuitive business coach and Christian energy healer. She calls herself The Soul-Purpose Alignment Strategist. She helps new and aspiring Christian Coaches and service based Mompreneurs to overcome limiting beliefs surrounding their purpose and their call to create in the marketplace.

Click HERE to schedule a complimentary clarity session with her. 

You can also find her in her Facebook Group The Purposeful Pursuit to a Beautiful You

Follow Me


Please Note: I do not provide the services of a licensed physician, or licensed counselor, information received should not be seen as medical or mental health advice and is not meant to take the place of seeing licensed health professionals.

951 E G Miles Parkway Hinesville GA 31313

+1 912-532-0953



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The Top 3 Reasons Why Emotional Branding and On-Brand Content are Imperative to Your Passion-Based Business

The Top 3 Reasons Why Emotional Branding and On-Brand Content are Imperative to Your Passion-Based Business

The Top 3 Reasons Why Emotional Branding and On-Brand Content are Imperative to Your Passion-Based Business

This post may contain affiliate links. For full affiliate disclosure click here.

Emotional Branding is a fancy marketing communication word that means you are taking measures in your business to appeal directly to your ideal client’s state, needs, and aspirations. As a soul-brand alignment strategist, I know that connecting to your clients state of mind and life aspirations is imperative to the growth of your passion-based business. In my programs, I help my clients form an emotional connection with their audience by tapping into their own emotions first. We do this on the subconscious level through energy psychology protocols.

If you can’t heal your own hidden emotions you become blocked and unaware of what your ideal clients are actually feeling or experiencing right before needing to make a decision about your services. You don’t want to miss out on connecting emotionally with your ideal clients. This is an entire aspect of marketing that is essential to closing your sales. Emotions can elicit a certain feeling about a particular program, service or product. Decision making is 90% based on emotion and when you can tap into the emotions of your ideal client’s it is easier to build like, know and trust.

When people say “looking within is your first step to building a successful business” they really mean it. Usually, you’ll hear super successful people in business make this claim. In my past when I’ve heard this claim, I remember thinking, “Really?? They just gave a cliche answer because they don’t want to share the secret sauce to success. They are holding back the good stuff”. But, As I’ve grown in my own business success, I can now say that this is so true!! In order to tap into Emotional Branding and Successful On-Brand Content you really do need to search within and stop looking outward. The answers really are within you

3 reasons why healing your own hidden emotions helps you to be better at emotional branding so you can create amazing on-brand content that actually connects.

1.  When you look within, in order to heal or discover your own emotions, it gives you a better idea of why you started your business in the first place. You are able to look at pain points that prompted you to begin on your path with a fresh set of eye.

2.  Once you get clarity around your own “why” and your own story, you can begin to tell your story from a place of transformation instead of pain. Then you are able to connect better with what your client needs to feel and hear in order to know like and trust you.

3.  Once you go through this process, you become an endless content creation machine, You are able to be transparent and vulnerable with your audience without eliciting any negative emotions that block you from being visible with the content that needs to go out in order for you to attract your ideal clients.


Ever wonder why you write that post, stare at it, and then let it sit on your computer. There’s a part of you that:

  • Hasn’t gained the confidence to be vulnerable yet.
  • Doesn’t fully believe in yourself yet
  • Isn’t owning all of your gifts, talents, values, and beliefs yet
  • Doesn’t trust your process and your transformation yet
  • Is blocked and stagnant
  • Fears visibility
  • Needs to clear hidden emotions or limiting beliefs around being visible so you can have specific and unique on-brand content that speaks directly to the heart of your ideal client. 

If you want to dig deeper on the emotional branding side of your business and create on-brand content to increase your visibility, book a Soulfully Aligned Business Session with me now!

Enjoy this blog? Please spread the word 🙂

Justina Ford


Justina holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, a Master’s in Human Service Counseling focused in Business, and additional training in the Emotional Freedom Technique and Splankna Therapy. She is an Amazon #1 International Best-Selling Author, Huffington Post Contributor and Contributing Author of Notes to Younger Women. She also serves as a Commercial Makeup Artist to Professional Photographers, Marketing and Advertising Teams. She is an intuitive business coach and Christian energy healer. She calls herself The Soul Purpose + Brand Alignment Strategist. She helps new and aspiring Christian Coaches and service based Mompreneurs to overcome limiting beliefs surrounding their purpose and their call to create passion-based brands in the marketplace.

Click HERE to schedule a complimentary clarity session with her. 

You can also find her in her Facebook Group The Purposeful Pursuit to a Beautiful You

Follow Me


Please Note: I do not provide the services of a licensed physician, or licensed counselor, information received should not be seen as medical or mental health advice and is not meant to take the place of seeing licensed health professionals.

951 E G Miles Parkway Hinesville GA 31313

+1 912-532-0953



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