Top 3 Things You Can Do to Bring Glory to God in Your Business

Top 3 Things You Can Do to Bring Glory to God in Your Business

When seeking to bring glory to God in your business, there are several key things you can do. As a woman of faith in business, I’ve seen and personally navigated the struggles that come with stepping out on faith. The business world isn’t always so pretty and it can easily attempt to snare you in ways that aren’t pleasing to God or good for your business. In this post, we’re going to look at practical ways you can honor God with your business.

bring glory to God in your business

Top 3 Things You Can Do to Bring Glory to God in Your Business

Always submit your plans and ideas to Him.

It can be super easy to get a great idea and instantly want to run with it. However, getting into the habit of doing so could also create a ripple effect in your business that may do more harm than good. It’s better to get into the habit of always praying and submitting your ideas and plans to God first. Then, be in a position to hear what He has to say about it.

I believe we are all given a Spirit-meter (thank you Holy Spirit) that will direct us in the ways that we should go. The answers we receive may not always be what we want, but when done in proper order and timing, it always yields the best results. I suggest grabbing an “ideas and plans” braindump journal to have a place for writing down everything that ever comes to mind. This will can then serve as your prayer journal to help you keep track of what your plans/ideas were, prayers, and God’s responses.

Be the light in your industry.

You may have already witnessed how easy it is to be blind-sided by what seems to be popular and trending. And in most cases, it’s not always the things of God. However, you should never dim your light, your mission, or your faith because it may not seem popular. Instead, continue to show up in the light and through the countenance of God.

Ask Him to give you the words to say and pray for the right people to see and be inspired by it. He would never ask you to dim yourself to stay popular or be liked by others. In fact, I’m willing to bet He would bless you for doing the exact opposite.

Adopt a gratitude mindset.

There will be times when nothing seems to be going right. Perhaps it’s a flopped course launch or incredibly low sales. This is where having a mindset of gratefulness can help you stay focused on the good things and blessings of having your business. Seeing things from a grateful perspective also helps you to see things differently.

Instead of seeing a failed business, you will begin to see ways to change things for the better. When you want to give up, a grateful attitude will see how to put one foot in front of the other. 

Final Thoughts about how to bring glory to god in your business

Adopting these practical, yet powerful, things to bring glory to God in your business is a sure way to honor Him in what you do. If you’re not already doing these things, start with one at a time until it becomes a habit, then add another. Before you know it, you’ll have a completely new outlook and mindset that brings glory to God!

How to clarify your goals (so you know when you’ll reach them)

How to clarify your goals (so you know when you’ll reach them)

It’s one thing to set goals; however, it is important to clarify your goals so you know when you will reach them. In this post, we’re going to look at several practical tips for helping you go beyond simply setting goals. Instead, you’ll click away with the confidence and clarity to set goals that build momentum and purpose in your business

how to clarify your goals

How to Clarify Your Goals

To help put this process into perspective, we’re going to look through the SMART goals model. This isn’t a new method by any means, but it’s typically not a person’s go-to when setting goals. In most cases, you may have grabbed a piece of paper and answered the open-ended questions like where you want to be in 3 years, 5 years, things you want to accomplish, and so on. While there’s not anything wrong with that, setting goals based on that alone isn’t always enough. 

Clarify your goals by being specific.

Being specific about your goals starts with thinking about what you want to accomplish. Do you want to make a certain income? Are you looking to enroll a certain number of people in your coaching program? Once you’re able to identify answers to these questions, you can begin to determine what steps need to be taken to achieve it.

Clear goals should be measurable.

This is where being able to track your goals comes into play. Let’s use the example of wanting to enroll clients into your exclusive coaching program. You’ll want to identify the number of clients so you’ll have something to measure and track. If the number is 5, then with each enrollment, you’ll be able to track how close you are to your goal. Having this number will also help you track income earned from each enrollment, which helps to know if you have an earned income goal.

Clarifying your goals involves making sure they are achievable.

Reality and expectations meet when it’s time to set goals that are actually achievable. If you’re just starting your business, setting a goal to make a million dollars in your first month may not be very realistic. When setting your goals, ask yourself if it’s something you can actually accomplish. 

Clear goals are relevant to you and your business.

It’s easy to look at what others are accomplishing and set goals according to their success. This is the number one way to get yourself off track. Always set goals that are relevant to you and your business. Think about why you are setting the goal you want to achieve. Are you looking to get out of debt? Is there a dream vacation you’d like to save up for? Keep your life, business, and journey in mind as you clarify your goals.

Having clarity in goal setting involves time specificity. 

In other words, your goals need to have a time frame in which you’d like to reach them. Without one, it could be easy to lose track of where you are in reaching it. Once you’ve written your goals, begin to think in terms of the tasks that it will take to reach them. Then, give those tasks a time limit. From there, you’ll be able to track your progress more fluidly.

Final Thoughts

Using the SMART goal setting method, you can begin to clarify your goals so you know when you’ll reach them. This rinse and repeat cycle can easily accommodate any business and style. Check out this podcast to hear more about clarifying your goals and how this method can be a game-changer for you and your business.

5 Ways to Create Impact and Influence Through Your Business

5 Ways to Create Impact and Influence Through Your Business

When you want to create impact and influence, using your business is one of the key ways to do it. This will also directly affect your business, bringing you more credibility and visibility. Of course, this doesn’t need to be done with any prideful intentions, but with the motive to genuinely make a difference in other people’s lives. Here are five ways to do this through your business.

create impact and influence through your business

5 Ways to Create Impact and Influence Through Your Business

1. create impact and influence by Supporting a cause.

There are many causes and nonprofit organizations that you can choose to link arms with and promote with your business. You can support them through donations, contributing a percentage of your business’ sales to them, and volunteering (if applicable). If there isn’t a cause you feel particularly drawn to, you could always start one!

2. Enhance your social media presence.

Showing up and being visible online can be intimidating for entrepreneurs. It’s easy to hide behind word posts and graphics; however, you can create a great influence when you open up and allow people to actually see you. If you’re not used to going live or showing up personally online, the more you do it, the more comfortable you’ll become. Consider working in a daily live challenge to help you create a bigger impact through your business.

3. Show up with purpose.

In today’s world, it can be hard to stand out from the crowd, especially if your field is saturated. One way to navigate getting lost in the crowd is to show up with purpose. Make sure you are adding value to everything you are saying and doing. People will be drawn to you because your value is having some sort of impact and influence in their lives. 

4. create impact and influence by Connecting with your audience more often than not.

As your audience grows, it may seem impossible to connect with them all. However, this is where showing up online in a variety of ways is beneficial. When you are live, interact with those tuning in. If someone shares your content, make an effort to comment on it and thank them for sharing your content. Ask for responses and replies when sending emails and when they do, be sure to actually respond. You’ll be surprised by the impact this will make on your audience (and they’ll talk about it too!).

5. Adopt the storytelling method.

People are always looking for connections. And truth be told, they can see straight through the fluff. The art of storytelling allows you to use your own personal experiences, circumstances, and situations to connect with your audience and in return build trust. When you use storytelling, you can create a bigger impact and influence, which will lead to more visibility and sales. 

Final Thoughts

Creating an impact and influence through your business comes with many benefits. Not only does it help you keep your why alive, but it also helps you stay focused on your motive to serve your customers and clients. Use the tips and suggestions above to help set you and your business apart from others while creating a lasting ripple effect.

Are you in God’s way? 3 Ways You May Be Blocking Your Blessings

Are you in God’s way? 3 Ways You May Be Blocking Your Blessings

If you are standing in God’s way of His plans for your life, chances are you may be blocking your blessings. How do you know if you are standing in His way? What are the signs that you are blocking blessings or acting on the wrong desires? Let’s chat about that!

3 ways you could be blocking your blessings

Are you in God’s way?

One of the telltale signs that you are in God’s way is if you are operating your business based on the comparison. This typically looks like adopting your systems and practices according to what you see someone else doing. In most cases, this stems from some sort of self-doubt or self-sabotage. It’s equivalent to telling yourself that your own creativity and gifts aren’t good enough. 

Another indicator involves not having true clarity around what you should be doing. I believe God will always make His desires known for our lives. It’s simply a matter of coming into alignment with them and having the boldness to walk them out.

Last but not least, sometimes being in God’s way looks like justifying your own desires. To know the difference between if a desire is yours or God’s, you can start with prayer. Assuming you already have a relationship with Him, praying about His will for your life and revelation for what you should be doing will always be confirmed. Then, go to the Word. If your desires line up with His Word, you’re on the right track.

Being in God’s way does not only hinder your personal relationship with Him but also your growth in all areas. This doesn’t mean just in the area of business, but also in relationships. Standing in His way also comes with the consequences of blocked blessings. Here’s how.

delight and desires masterclass

3 Ways You May Be Blocking Your Blessings

1. Pride

Pride can go either way. Perhaps you’ve been knocked down and you allow pride to keep you down longer than you need to be. On the other end, pride can come in the form of knowing what’s best for you, therefore you may lack consulting God as much as you should. Either way, pride is something that God hates and we should always seek to have balance in that area.

2. Self-Doubt and Self-Sabotage

I touched on this one a bit earlier. Simply put, anytime you think you are not good enough, it can cause you to operate in a way that’s not true to yourself. It will cause you to make decisions based on other people’s success versus what God wants to do specifically through how He created you. While these can stem from a number of things, one thing’s for sure is they can cause you to lose godly focus.

3. Holding Onto Past Limiting Beliefs

There’s no doubt that we all have some form of limiting beliefs to navigate through. However, the biggest difference between staying stagnant and becoming successful is knowing how to release yourself from them. Holding onto past limiting beliefs means you won’t be able to focus on what God is trying to do in your life now. That ripples into how you are meant to impact others as well.

Final Thoughts about blocking your blessings

I know you don’t want to purposefully stand in God’s way nor do you want to block His blessings in your life. The first step I recommend taking is looking at your life and being honest about the areas that may show resistance towards God’s calling for you. Then, begin to identify any of the blessing-blockers mentioned above (if any). It starts with being conscious about things that need to change, then making the decision to change them. One-step and one thing at a time.

4 Reasons Why You Haven’t Launched Your Business Idea

4 Reasons Why You Haven’t Launched Your Business Idea

What are the reasons why you haven’t launched your business idea? I’m sure you had a variety of things come to mind when reading that question, but can I be honest with you? Whatever your answers were, they were most likely rooted in limiting beliefs that turned into excuses. And that’s okay. In this post, we’re going to talk about some of the top reasons and what you can start doing to get past them.

Reasons why you haven't launched your business idea.

4 Reasons Why You Haven’t Launched Your Business Idea

1. You’re not clear on what you should be doing.

This reason always takes the top spot. Why? Typically because when you look at what the people around you are doing, it’s easy to feel like you should be doing the same thing. Suddenly, your God-given talents go out the window and you begin chasing what you think will make you successful.

To gain clarity around your calling, write down ways you naturally feel drawn to helping people. Then, add experiences you’ve gone through that could be used to help them.

2. You are afraid to fail.

Being afraid to fail is another common reason that even the most successful people go through. The biggest difference is their ability to get past that thought process and adopt a new mindset. In order to release yourself from the fear of failing is to make your mission about other people. When you are fixed on yourself, you won’t see the blessing you are meant to be to others.

Begin moving past the fear of failing by reminding yourself why you are wanting to start (or have already launched) your business.

3. You’ve bitten into the mindset that you need training and certification before getting started.

I am all for obtaining encouraging others to get certifications or further their knowledge about a certain skill set. What I don’t want you to do is become a victim of is believing you need these things in order to walk in your calling. God equips those that He calls and you don’t want to hinder that. I help my clients see the benefit in becoming lifelong students. In other words, be okay with the ongoing process of reaching your goals.

Prioritize your need for training, certifications, and/or knowledge by joining a mastermind, collective, group coaching program, or the like. Get past the idea of believing you need to have it all together before you launch your business.

4. It costs too much money.

This has always been one of the biggest lies that prevent people from launching their business idea. In this day and age, people want you to believe that you need to invest bookoos of money in order to get started. I’m here to tell you that you can launch your business idea with $0. Every platform I’ve ever used has always had some sort of free option that can be utilized until you need to and can make the investments to upgrade. 

Use platforms like Facebook and a free email service to get your business idea off the ground. In the meantime, identify if you have any limiting beliefs around money (which most people do). 

Final Thoughts

There may be many more reasons why you haven’t launched your business idea. And again, that is okay. Every successful entrepreneur has to start somewhere and I want to walk with you from the beginning. I want to help you identify limiting beliefs that are tied to the reasons why you believe you can’t launch your business idea yet. 

Part of what I do is link arms with other women of faith in business and help navigate through sabotaging beliefs. We identify them and replace them with new truths that allow them to experience true breakthroughs. 

If this sounds like something you need, then let’s chat.   

4 Reasons Why You Should Focus on Mindset Mastery

4 Reasons Why You Should Focus on Mindset Mastery

One of the most important influences on your business success is mindset mastery. This two-word combo has the power to make or break your business. That may come off a little harsh, but it’s the truth. What you think has every impact on the behaviors and tasks you do for your business. Beyond being successful, here are four other reasons why you should focus on mindset mastery.

Reasons why you should focus on mindset mastery.

4 Reasons Why You Should Focus on Mindset Mastery

1. Mindset mastery helps you have a healthy self-esteem.

Notice I didn’t use the term “high” self-esteem. You see, high self-esteem comes with many myths and stigmas. It causes people to flip into a chase mentality versus a healthy one that welcomes all the ups and downs encountered throughout life (and business). When you are more focused on healthy self-esteem, it becomes less about reaching some final destination and more about obtaining a level of self-esteem that’s comfortable for you personally.

2. Focusing on mindset mastery opens the door to greater confidence.

Have you ever been asked about your prices and you instantly start stuttering and sweating? You hesitate to tell the person because your fears of what they make think overpower your answer. Or, perhaps you’ve waited to put together your signature course because you believe the lie that no one will purchase it. All of these branch from different things, but they all have one thing in common – the block of confidence.

Mindset mastery will help you formulate a winning perspective that says whether this is for you or not, I am doing it because I know it for someone!

3. Mindset mastery helps you run a cohesive business that is balanced with other areas of life.

The majority of my clients are high-performing women of faith who are typically juggling marriage, motherhood and being a womanpreneur. Each of these areas come with their own spinning plates and stacked hats, making balance all the more important. Mindset mastery helps this woman visualize and walk out all of her possibilities in every aspect of life, not just in business.

4. Achieving your underlying goals is made more visible with mindset mastery.

Have you ever had goals that you just can’t seem to reach? No matter how hard you try or how much work you put in, it’s just not happening. Besides getting to the specific root of the issue, part of it is always linked to your level of mindset mastery. Sometimes there are specific skill sets missing to help you get past blocks and other things hindering your business growth. When you begin working on your mindset, you will continue to gain the clarity and skills needed to break through anything that gets in the way of your business (and personal life).

Final Thoughts

How much investment have you put into mindset mastery? It’s okay if your answer is not much at all. In fact, that is most people’s answer because it’s not something that’s always talked about. In my line of work, it is part of my mission to help the women of faith in business develop a kingdom mindset. This mindset helps women to experience more time freedom, flexibility, and execute the work it takes to experience business success. 

One of the ways I do this is through my Mindset Mastery Training Vault + Inner Circle Coaching Call. On a monthly basis, I meet with a collective group of women who are eager to experience real breakthroughs and open doors they once thought were closed. I’m personally inviting you to join me! Check out all the details here!

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