4 Ways to Get Aligned with God in Your Business

4 Ways to Get Aligned with God in Your Business

If there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s the need to get aligned with God in your business. Without His alignment, you’ll find yourself believing the lies that you need to hustle, be overworked, and possibly underpaid. When you’re aligned with God, you’ll be able to dodge the traps of the world much easier than not. Let’s chat about several ways you can get in alignment with God and find peace, clarity, and stability in your business.

Four ways to get aligned with God in your business.

My Personal journey with getting aligned with god

I remember when I first entered this online business world. It was a confusing place. I was just a girl who wanted to transition from driving over an hour to my professional makeup jobs to being an online mindset & visibility coach. This would give me the ability to spend more time with my family.

At the same time, I knew I was a pretty good coach. I had been doing a form of mindset, clarity, and visibility coaching for mompreneurs for a long time. But, I still had doubts.

my doubts exposed

I want to share pieces of my personal journey so (1) you don’t feel like you’re the only one who has ever navigated this season, and (2) to let you know that I’m human! In 2016, these are some of the ways I was feeling:

  • Who would ever hire me to coach them?
  • Other women had it figured out and I didn’t have a clue.
  • I joined spiritual groups trying to grasp the concept of spirituality in business.
  • Tempted to pick a virtual tarot card.
  • I let a lady remote muscle test so me so I could get some inspiration about what I should be doing next in my business.
  • I was thinking law of attraction was what I was missing.

These may not seem like big issues, but none of it was true. Most importantly, none of it lined up with God and His Word. I honestly just wanted someone to give me guidance and tell me what to do! I hired 4 coaches, and 2 mentors/trainers.

This led me to spend over $20,000 on my own coaching and development, and I still came back to my center – Jesus Christ.

what I’ve learned along the way

I figured out what new age was and when a person says they are spiritual it doesn’t mean they have the same belief as me. I realized guidance from a coach is just that.. guidance. The truth is that I’m actually the owner and chief coach of my life and business. That means I get to make the final decision.

When it came to the Law of Attraction, I realized it was something that treated God like a Genie. Simply put, He is not! I learned that God actually wanted to have a real relationship with me. This relationship wouldn’t be one where I only spend time with Him when it’s time to focus and visualize what I want.

I learned that there are subconscious beliefs that hold us back and that the enemy has a whole lot to do with that. The enemy wants to hinder our calling and our influence in this world. Speaking of which, I learned that our calling is greater than entrepreneurship. It’s so much deeper than that.

We are called to be like Christ and to give thanks no matter the circumstance! God gives provision for his vision and when we get aligned with his purpose and plan, things click! 

i had a clue… and so do you!

I’ve had amazing clients in my coaching business since 2015, and guess what? I actually had a clue all along and had been doing something right all along and I just didn’t trust it! I didn’t trust myself.  

And so do you. You have a clue. You have a clue on how you’re supposed to show up, how you want to serve, the rates you really want to charge, and the impact you want to create. It’s already ringing true on the inside of you! 

And when you coach with me, I help pull that clue out of you. Each and every time I’m going to point you back to looking within, looking toward Jesus the ultimate Creator. I do this because the Holy Spirit is your ultimate coach.

4 Ways to Get Aligned with God in Your Business

Stand in the truth of who you are.

The more you step out and make yourself known to the outside world, the more you’ll be bombarded with hundreds, even thousands, of others doing the same thing you are. In these moments, it will be tempting to become someone you’re not in order to reach your goals or a false representation of them. Get and stay aligned by being authentically you, no matter what.

walk in the confidence that god will never leave you.

This piece involves knowing, believing, and trusting that God is who He says He is. No matter what you’re going through or navigating in life (or business), He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. You have to walk in the confidence of knowing that He has good, prosperous plans for you.

learn how to release the past.

I believe this is an ongoing step because things that happen in the present will eventually become part of your past. If something has hurt you or cause some type of negative emotion, not knowing how to deal with it can drastically affect your future. Most people are not equipped to deal with this type of mindset work; however, this is partly where I come in!

Renew your mind and heart to operate at a higher level.

I don’t mean to sound “New Age-y,” but God’s thoughts and ways are higher than ours. This doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t strive to operate at a higher level of ourselves. In fact, this involves renewing your mind and heart to operate at a level that is focused and in tune with what God says about you. This type of alignment will give you the utmost confidence to show up as your true, authentic self.

Mindset work with me… IT gets deep!

We unpacked a lot in this post, but I’d like to end it with an invitation to work with me. I don’t want you to continue navigating your personal and business life not being clear on your vision, mission, and goals. I would love to come alongside you, link arms, and unlock your true potential and alignment with God.

There are several ways to connect with me. Join my upcoming Mindset to Manifest Your Signature Service 5-day challenge to get clear on a high-ticket service to offer your ideal client. Consider becoming a Certified Christian Coach in my Soulfully Aligned Institute. You can also get mentored by me personally!

3 Ways to Know Your Desires Aren’t Just You

3 Ways to Know Your Desires Aren’t Just You

One of the top questions we often ask ourselves is, “How do I know my desires aren’t just me?” This is certainly a valid question to ask and we should ask it more often than not. Why? Well, for starters, it’s really easy to get side-tracked from the desires God has for you. Left unchecked for too long and you’ll certainly find yourself declaring and doing things that are not part of your Spirit-led calling. As a well-established multi-passionate entrepreneur, I have veered off my path… several times. But what I’d like to share with you in this post is the process of dividing my own desires from that of God. In addition, I’m gonna share with you how God responds if you make a mistake even after trying your best.

Three ways to know your desires aren't just you.

3 Ways to Know Your Desires Aren’t Just You

Just in case you’re new here, my name is Justina, The Soul-Brand Alignment Strategist. I’m a Christian Inner Healing Practitioner and Intuitive Business Coach, and I help my clients chart their own paths, create their own passion-based businesses, and build cohesive brands so they can be more visible and profitable in their business. Now that we’ve met, let’s talk about your desires and knowing they aren’t just you.

The ‘New Age’ world would say…

You are your own creator. You can create your own desires based on your own likes (and dislikes) and you have the power to manifest whatever you want. They would also give you tons of affirmations, mantras, and declarations that would continue putting you in God’s seat. Not to say that God doesn’t give us any of the above, but there has and always will be an order to the way He does things – especially when it comes to what He created.

Questions to Ask Yourself

The three questions we’re going to look at below are the keys to knowing whether or not your desires aren’t just you. I can tell you from personal experience that these questions were life-changing for me. I could begin seeing my desires shift on all levels and the boldness to walk out my calling became evident. As you read each question and snippet that follows, take a few moments to really meditate and prayerfully consider your answers. In fact, it’s probably a good idea to go ahead and grab a journal.

delight and desires masterclass

Do you have a relationship with God and have you asked him to be Lord over your life?

This is probably one of the single most important questions to ask yourself, especially as a professing believer in God. It’s easy to give lip service, but how do you genuinely feel about this question? Is your relationship built on the faith of others around you? Is your relationship with God built on legalism or performance in hopes to gain His love and blessings?

The second part of this question involves the part of the relationship that most people aren’t quite all-in on. When asking God to be Lord over your life, this means relinquishing control. Oftentimes, we want to control our gifts, talents, and desires. In reality, we need to give every bit of this to the One we proclaim as Lord over our lives. As you answer these two questions, be honest with any areas that may need refining. Give them to God and pray for a fresh start.

Have you prayed and asked God to place His desires in your heart to make your heart sensitive to the things of His heart?

Truthfully, to hear the answers to this kind of prayer, you’ll need to have established a relationship with God and given Him lordship over your life. This will put you one step closer to hearing His desires versus your own. This is the very prayer that was a game-changer for me. Praying for God to empty me of myself and fill me with Him was just the beginning. 

I could then become more clear, aligned, and in tune with what He was calling me to do and manifest the business of my dreams. And I knew it was of Him when I started having thoughts like, “Who me? You want me to do what? How am I gonna-” and so on. You see, God’s desires for us are always going to be more than we can fathom. What He calls us to do will always seem to be bigger than ourselves. And there’s a reason for it.  He wants us totally dependent upon Him.   

Does it line up with His word?

Once you begin receiving downloads of God’s desires for your life, make sure they line up with His Word. When these desires are from God, you won’t have to twist, bend, or manipulate scripture to make them line up. You’ll be able to clearly see that they line up with His Word and you’ll see the fruit of pursuing it.

Resources to Help

I can’t sit here and say that I navigated this process all on my own. There are 2 books that I’ve read that really helped me in this process of dividing my own desires from that of God. The first book is Called to Create by Jordan Raynor. He helps artists, entrepreneurs, writers, and other creatives reimagine our work as a service to God and others. The second book is Discerning the voice of God by Priscilla Shirer. Her book contains insights that will aid you in your desire to hear God speak.

Final Thoughts

It is 100% normal to question whether or not your desires are you or of God. It’s healthy to ask yourself this along life’s journey to make sure you are constantly in alignment with what He created you to do. Get in the habit of asking this and using the three questions above to journal out your answers. As time passes on, you can look back and see how you and your desires have changed. And I’m willing to bet they will be in alignment with the specific season of life you’re in.

want to get access to my new delight & desires masterclass? 

As a High-Achieving Strategic Woman leader in business, you may think you desire “more clients” and “more cash”, but these are just the surface desires. What about desiring goodness, beauty, and truth? If you’re a multi-passionate high-achieving mompreneur who desires to have a thriving business & family life then I invite you to join me for the Bible Study & Business Training!

Ready to learn more and get started? CLICK HERE!

Parenting and Branding: A child that truly shows us that how we frame our stories shapes our  brand

Parenting and Branding: A child that truly shows us that how we frame our stories shapes our  brand

Parenting and Branding: A child that truly shows us that how we frame our stories shapes our  brand

My Take on Branding for my Kids I talked to the kids about branding today… I remind my kids that they are a walking billboard and brand for Christ. Everything they do and say is a direct reflection of the God they serve. Do I want my kids walking around on eggshells? Absolutely Not! But I want them to be aware of their actions and how they are perceived by others. With the age of social media and our children having access they are building mini brands and they should be aware of that. Everything they share, comment, and like is put out their publicly. This is so true for us as moms in business as well. If you are a mom in business I hope you are more sensitive to how your children, particularly teens are using social media today. As a mom in business I am very sensitive about how my children use social media for their own pleasure and what they actually consume and digest while on social media themselves….   Children with their own Brands I recently got introduced to characters like cash me outside, whoavicky, and lil Tay….OMG! There brands scream seem pretty profound things to me in particular. I’ll start with the oh so famous Danielle Bergoli “Cash me outside aka Bhad Bhabie”…a young girl who is still finding herself, has some real hurts and pains that has shaped her life. She has been rejected by her dad and holds on to her mom for good reason.   Psychology behind her Brand I see a young child that is doing what she knows best to do given her circumstances. She expresses her pain and lifestyle through her music and her brand took off by capitalizing on the persona of being tough, honest, “real”, and opinionated in the best way a 13 year old can be. She’s rough and tough and she had to be based on her perceived childhood of being rejected at 3 months old, being deprived of a relationship with her 2 younger siblings on her dad’s side, I dont even think the boys knew she existed for the better part of their lives, learning that her father remarried a day after her birthday to a woman she never really knew. As well as whatever other experiences she hasn’t shared publicly.   Family Influence on her Brand I saw some disturbing things on an instagram live the other day that further made me question if her brand could have been shaped differently…her mom was egging her on and reminding her of details she had once told the child at some earlier point in her life. In my opinion the child tells stories that only her mother could have poured into her. The mother came on Dr. Phil looking like she really needed and desired help for her daughter and now I’m under the impression that she has poisoned that child by telling her things that no child should really have to be exposed to. Call it surgar-coating if you want to but the way you frame a story has a lot to do with how a person will respond to it. When she shares these past hurts and pains with hatred and unforgiveness in her own heart the child only models those same emotions and feelings. Why because she loves her mom and clings to the one person who has loved her and taken care of her. Her Mom should have done better…simply put.No judgment just an observation from what I saw on the instagram live feed.   Spiritual-Based Influence What if she could have told that story about her dad leaving the mom when she was 3 months in a more empowered way. What if she shared that her dad was immature and young and really didn’t understand the damage he was causing by his actions. What if the mom had constantly shaped an environment of forgiveness and love for those who hurt us instead of fostering an environment of continued pain and hurt around the incident. Who knows she could have still used her appearance on Dr. Phil for a music career and to be a youtube influencer. But imagine empowering lyrics lifting up young girls and empowering youngs girls who have gone through what she has gone through…Instead we get this:   Bhad Bhabie got these b**** bustin’ for cash (cash) Do the dash, try to play me, b****, I’m bustin’ yo’ a** (bustin’ yo’) Lotta gun sounds, Rollie, bust down, know why these b**** mad ‘Cause they trash and they f**** for cash (cash) Too official, blow the whistle, b****, I’m fly as a bird (brrr) Take a picture, get ya’ issue, b**** will die on my word (on my word) Walk in the bank, f*** it up, pokin’ that b*** with a shank, f*** it up (f*** it up) I bought the lil’ b**** a bag, make it double back and clear up her tab (yah)   As adults we are responsible for how are children process information. Ok maybe not 100% responsible but we do play a huge role. I ask myself how strong is the presence of the Holy Spirit at work in this child’s life and I’m also reminded not to judge. It’s hard to see a life of love joy and peace when we the attitude she portrays as well lyrics like the ones above being spoken by a child.   A new perspective on her story shaped her brand Her life stories and experiences has shaped her brand, her personality, how she shows up and what she puts out into the world. But could this have been different for the young Danielle Bergoli aka Bhad Bhabie?” I totally think so. Our God is a God of healing and hope. I do have hopes for Bhad Bhabie, I mean in all reality she is only 15 and her brain isn’t even full developed yet. I see the potential for her to grow into a healed person where her brand can take the shape of a serious artist who creates for the good, hope, and love of others. Sharing our stories is powerful but remember to not from what perspective you are sharing and putting it out there to millions of people. As moms of faith in business our families are called to be influencers even in this digital age. How will your brand stand for Christ and how will you influence your children to walk in your footsteps.  
Justina is a Pro MUA and Mindset and Success Coach. To schedule a complimentary clarity session with her click on the link calendly.com/purposefulpursuit
You can also find her in her Facebook Group Multi-Passionate Women Of Faith Creating for Christ.

Enjoy this blog? Please spread the word 🙂

Justina Ford


Justina holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, a Master’s in Human Service Counseling focused in Business, and additional training in the Emotional Freedom Technique and Splankna Therapy. She is an Amazon #1 International Best-Selling Author, Huffington Post Contributor and Contributing Author of Notes to Younger Women. She also serves as a Commercial Makeup Artist to Professional Photographers, Marketing and Advertising Teams. She is an intuitive business coach and Christian energy healer. She calls herself The Soul-Purpose Alignment Strategist. She helps new and aspiring Christian Coaches and service based Mompreneurs to overcome limiting beliefs surrounding their purpose and their call to create in the marketplace.

Click HERE to schedule a complimentary clarity session with her. 

You can also find her in her Facebook Group The Purposeful Pursuit to a Beautiful You

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Please Note: I do not provide the services of a licensed physician, or licensed counselor, information received should not be seen as medical or mental health advice and is not meant to take the place of seeing licensed health professionals.

951 E G Miles Parkway Hinesville GA 31313

+1 912-532-0953



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5 things the church hasn’t taught you about energy psychology

5 things the church hasn’t taught you about energy psychology

5 things the church hasn’t taught you about energy psychology


I remember when I decided to go to college and my church found out I was going to be studying psychology. Immediately I was bombarded with “Be careful, your faith can be weakened in that environment!”. People totally overlooked the fact that I was studying these principles and theories at institutions like a Free Will Baptist college and Liberty University. Surprisingly enough after 10 plus years of studying the field of psychology, counseling, energy psychology, EFT, Splankna Therapy, my faith in Jesus Christ had only increased. I totally get how we are partners with Christ, a relationship with Him comes first and foremost, and then we can walk in our truest purpose to uplift the Kingdom with our creative abilities, gifts and talents. The church failed to teach us some things when it comes to the subconscious mind, energy psychology, and healing and success. I want to shed some light on what I’ve learned and how it applies to energy psychology principles like EFT and Splankna Therapy.

The church didn’t teach us:

    1. How to be a redemptive thinker;
    2. That everything belongs to God first;
    3. That “Evil merely pilfers something God created to be powerful and effective and uses it for rebellious purposes”, Thiessen & Hughes 2015;
    4. That Evil is dependent on God (this is deep you gotta read the Upper Dogs). The subconscious mind is really about Memory, it’s not mystical or the place of all wisdom. It is the faithful repository, a place where our personal things are deposited and stored. Our memory works below the conscious level, meaning the subconscious.
5 things the church hasn’t taught you about energy psychology

Bible Basis for the Subconscious Mind

There are so many scriptures that refer to the subconscious mind. I found these from the kingshighway articles. Check out these scriptures for biblical basis of the subconscious mind: Psalm 19:12-13 Psalms 139:23-24 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 Psalm 19:12 Hebrews 12:15 Jeremiah 17:9

Hidden Chambers reference to the Subconscious Mind

Proverbs 20:27 Proverbs 18:8, “The words of a talebearer are as wounds, and they go down into the innermost parts(cheder) of the belly.” (If there is no “secret place” or “hidden chambers,” where is this “innermost part”? This is also quoted in Prov­erbs 26:22). You can read up more on the subconscious mind from a christian perspective in the bottom portion of the article I linked above. If you’re like me, you love to do your research and see how God is at work in everything you put your hands to.


Why didn’t the church teach us about the innermost parts or the hidden chambers? God has given us ways to access the subconscious mind. We have people that access the subconscious mind for their own personal gain and wickedness in rebellion to God. When we choose to access God as partner submitting to his will and the areas that he wants to reveal, we are walking in obedience to Him.

What I do

I work with women to clear their stored emotion so they can walk fully in their God-given purpose. They can begin to create their soulful services that will bring honor and glory to God. They can step into the online marketplace with confidence knowing that they have healed and moved past the limiting beliefs and vows that were governing their lives and causing them to live in the lie of not being good enough, not being perfect, being too busy, not having enough time, enough money, procrastinating and stalling in the divine action they feel called to take.

Let me help you to step into the online marketplace with confidence. Book a Discovery session with me here!

Justina Ford is a Christian Mindset Coach. She is The Soul-Alignment Strategist for Multi-Passionate Business Mommas of Faith. She teaches entrepreneurial-minded women of faith how to overcome their limiting beliefs, embrace their self-worth, and utilize their God-given talents. Through her work, clients have experienced personal and professional breakthroughs that allow them monetize their divine passions. She believes real beauty starts with you. Now is the time to embrace the value of your uniqueness so you can propel forward and operate in your purposeful business.
Justina holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, a Master’s in Human Service Counseling focused in Business, and additional training in the Emotional Freedom Technique and Splankna Therapy. She is an Amazon #1 International Best-Selling Author. She also serves as a Commercial Makeup Artist, providing her first love, professional hair and makeup services to Professional Photographers, Marketing and Advertising Teams. She has worked with clients such as South Magazine, Coastal Living Magazine, Toyota, Fox 8 News, and Target Stores to name a few. She is a Huffington Post Contributor and Contributing Author of Notes to Younger Women. To schedule a complimentary clarity session with her click on the link calendly.com/discoverwithjustina You can also find her in her Facebook Group The Purposeful Pursuit to a Beautiful You.

Enjoy this blog? Please spread the word 🙂

Justina Ford


Justina holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, a Master’s in Human Service Counseling focused in Business, and additional training in the Emotional Freedom Technique and Splankna Therapy. She is an Amazon #1 International Best-Selling Author, Huffington Post Contributor and Contributing Author of Notes to Younger Women. She also serves as a Commercial Makeup Artist to Professional Photographers, Marketing and Advertising Teams. She is an intuitive business coach and Christian energy healer. She calls herself The Soul-Purpose Alignment Strategist. She helps new and aspiring Christian Coaches and service based Mompreneurs to overcome limiting beliefs surrounding their purpose and their call to create in the marketplace.

Click HERE to schedule a complimentary clarity session with her. 

You can also find her in her Facebook Group The Purposeful Pursuit to a Beautiful You

Follow Me


Please Note: I do not provide the services of a licensed physician, or licensed counselor, information received should not be seen as medical or mental health advice and is not meant to take the place of seeing licensed health professionals.

951 E G Miles Parkway Hinesville GA 31313

+1 912-532-0953



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It did what? 12 Secret Spiritual Energy Tools to Help You Succeed in Business.

It did what? 12 Secret Spiritual Energy Tools to Help You Succeed in Business.

It did what? 12 Secret Spiritual Energy Tools to Help You Succeed in Business.

The woo woo in business is real ladies! Spiritual Energy work can help you grow your business and tap into your true purpose. Taking time to check in with self, visualize, move forward with intuitive hunches and heal the broken areas in your life does yield results. You are running on auto-pilot in our businesses and you wonder why you keep hitting a brick wall. God has something to show you and he has an area in your life he wants you to pay attention to.

God cares about the healing of your soul first before he cares about your success as an entrepreneur.

I mean in the grand scheme of things this is what a loving Father does for His children. That being said taking the time to focus on healing work, mindset work, clearing limiting beliefs and vows is the hidden secret to success in business. Here’s what some of my past clients have experienced! I have had clients where after 6 months of trying to get blog posts accepted to mega-large audiences finally get the spark of intuition about a divine topic, write it right after our session, submit, and get a yes 5 hours later. I have had clients where they get a yes to a $30,000 contract the very next day after our session, when the very same customer was giving them the runaround for weeks!!   spiritual energy work I can keep going ladies … I had a client bang out the course to her very own unique transformational coaching course for transitioning divorcees in only a matter of a few short weeks when she was literally stuck for years prior. I had another client who was spinning her wheels, working really hard without seeing results. She knew what actions she really needed to do but somehow couldn’t get herself to do it for a whole year! Sitting with product on her shelf and finally after a spiritual energy session with me she got her product in not just 1 but 2 retail locations …. talk about an energetic shift!!!

Let me help you get results in your business! Book a Discovery Session with me here!

Here are 12 secret spiritual energy tools that I have shared and worked on with my clients to help them reach their version of success:
  1. Daily Affirmations and Mantras
Yes, this seems simple enough and I guarantee you this alone may shift you some but there’s a holistic approach to spiritual energy work and we know the words we speak play a huge role in what manifests in our lives. My clients don’t just use generic affirmations. These are personally crafted affirmations that are so in sync with their beliefs and values.
  1. EFT tapping
This is one the biggest secrets to business success. When we take the time to tap through our negative beliefs, we energetically shift massive thoughts and energy in our lives. God will literally move blocks that we didn’t even know were in our way. Do you desire to serve in a way that God has called you too? Then don’t be afraid to tap into your subconscious mind which he designed to begin with.
  1. Seeking Alignment and co-partnership with God
Are you daily seeking alignment in prayer? Your goal should be to align yourself with the will of God. I remember telling God if this business isn’t for me or in your will I will give it up now. Show we me what you would have me to do and I will do it. Every since this heart to heart moment I have increased my income every year letting me know that this is how God would have me to serve. You can absolutely seek this desired level of alignment in your daily prayer. 12 Secret Spiritual Energy Tools to Help You Succeed in Business.
  1. Direct Access
If you understand the energetic meridian lines in your body and the fact that emotions are stored in body, then you know that you can touch the areas of your body where the emotion is stored and with intentional thought think about about releasing that energy while touching your body. It’s called circuitry and intention. They definitely go hand in hand. Sounds about crazy but we are spiritual creatures first and our spiritual and emotional state affects our physical experience within our business, within this world.
  1. Give and you shall receive
This is a spiritual principle that I have all my clients apply to business. I had a client that was afraid of sharing her tips and ideas in fear that others would steal from her, copy her ideas, and that clients wouldn’t want to work with her if they could get info for “free”. One of greatest break through was to give and serve with her knowledge and she immediately began attracting more clients.
  1. Visualizing your goals everyday
Take time visualizing the things you want everyday. Write it out! Journal! Feel it on an energetic and emotional level! Speak it out loud even when it feels like a lie or false.
  1. “You time” in your business everyday
This is essential to business success! This is what big CEO’s do. How can you decide what the next creation will be, the next ideas, the next collaboration, the next goal to reach if you don’t take time for self everyday? I have a personal development day where I read excellent literature related to my field so I can continue to show up as a thought leader in my field.
  1. Faith
You have to shift from relying solely on your logic mind.The Bible says it best Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. You may not see the thriving business you desire now but develop a hope and confidence that it will come!
  1. Money Mindset
You got to look at your money story. I take my clients through an in-depth view of their story around money and how to shift it. The first step is awareness in regards to how you feel about money. What do you think of rich people. If you think they are greedy or sneaky then you are energetically repelling money!
  1. Forgiveness
You can’t make money when you are angry, not if you desire to operate from a heart-centered place. Forgiveness and letting go other people that haven’t met your standards frees you to be the person you were called to be without the negative blocks.
  1. Decluttering
Physically get rid of thing that you no longer need in your life so you can welcome the new things on an energetic level.
  1. Micro-upleveling
Micro-upleveling shows that you are ready to receive. This can be as simple as buying new underwear because you are worth it.
Justina is a Pro MUA and Mindset and Success Coach. To schedule a complimentary clarity session with her click on the link calendly.com/purposefulpursuit
You can also find her in her Facebook Group The Purposeful Pursuit to a Beautiful You.

Enjoy this blog? Please spread the word 🙂

Justina Ford


Justina holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, a Master’s in Human Service Counseling focused in Business, and additional training in the Emotional Freedom Technique and Splankna Therapy. She is an Amazon #1 International Best-Selling Author, Huffington Post Contributor and Contributing Author of Notes to Younger Women. She also serves as a Commercial Makeup Artist to Professional Photographers, Marketing and Advertising Teams. She is an intuitive business coach and Christian energy healer. She calls herself The Soul-Purpose Alignment Strategist. She helps new and aspiring Christian Coaches and service based Mompreneurs to overcome limiting beliefs surrounding their purpose and their call to create in the marketplace.

Click HERE to schedule a complimentary clarity session with her. 

You can also find her in her Facebook Group The Purposeful Pursuit to a Beautiful You

Follow Me


Please Note: I do not provide the services of a licensed physician, or licensed counselor, information received should not be seen as medical or mental health advice and is not meant to take the place of seeing licensed health professionals.

951 E G Miles Parkway Hinesville GA 31313

+1 912-532-0953



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The Importance of Delighting Ourselves in Christ: For the Entrepreneurial Woman

The Importance of Delighting Ourselves in Christ: For the Entrepreneurial Woman

Delighting ourselves in Christ may not seem easy, but it can be. Keep reading to find out why it’s important and how to adopt this mindset as a Christian entrepreneurial woman.

Psalm 37:4-5 KJV that says, Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.

I remember a time in my life when I was struggling, I was lost and I wondered, “God what is my purpose. But I remember the scripture above. That scripture told me to delight myself in God and that he would give me the desires of my heart. At that time, my one desire was to know my purpose in the midst of being wife and mom.

When I thought about the word delight I really began to wonder how does this show up in my life?I’m a real world practical applications kind of girl. It’s ironic that I lead with mindset and spirituality in my business.But I think it’s like that only because I used to lead so heavily with that left side of my brain and I didn’t get very far that way.

delight and desires masterclass

The Importance of Delighting Ourselves in Christ: For the Entrepreneurial Woman

So what does delight look like practically?

I”m a words kinda girl and I love looking up a good definition and really breaking down the meaning. 

Delight: please greatly, charm, enchant, captivate, entrance, thrill; gladden, gratify, appeal to; entertain, amuse, divert; tickle pink, bowl over“her manners delighted him”

It means to find peace and fulfillment in the lord.

This gets me to thinking…What about when you walk around feeling upset because you didn’t close the next sale, or when you post and no one looks at it?

Are we really delighting ourselves with peace and fulfillment in Him?

I know for a fact that God will give you the desires of your heart, which I know is a thriving profiting business where you can travel and have flexibility in your life.

You want to make an impact and leave a legacy for those you care about.

However, God cares more about your peace and fulfillment in Him over any desire of the heart.

This is one of the key steps to manifesting a life and business that you love. Receiving the desires of your heart is the essence of manifestation. God plants the desires and he brings them about when our hearts are right in Him.

Delighting ourselves in christ, cont.

When I hit brick walls, and I take time to reflect I usually find that:

  1. My gratitude meter is way off
  2. I’m being ungrateful for what I already have
  3. I’m looking at things from a natural mind
  4. My expectations are off

God has given us a foundational step to manifestation that gets overlooked all the time.

Here are some practical ways that I have delighted myself in the Lord in the past:

1.Joined the worship team at my church: and this wasn’t to do it just because it was the action to do. But I know God has given me the gift of voice and to use that gift unto him brings me peace and fulfillment unto me. It’s not about being seen, being in the group, but about using a gift and talent for his glory. Which is also being done in my home.

2. I’ve volunteered as a homeschool consultant: This was a field where I was giving back to my local community. There are no words to explain how much gratitude families show when you help them to learn how to educate their own children. My leadership skills and creativity skills in organization and planning are put the use here. I love when we honor God through education. It’s beautiful.

3. I’ve joined my praise dance team: Free dance and movement connects us to the spirit and freedom in God. You may think these activities are counter-intuitive to what you really want in life and that they take away from what you should be really doing. But God sees the heart and he looking to see where we are willing to keep him first above all things.

Final Thoughts about delighting ourselves in christ

I’m not suggesting you join a dance team, choir, or volunteer as a homeschool consultant. I am however saying to pay attention to your natural gifting and delight yourself in Christ with them. Pick something as simple as song and worship every morning for 15 mins before you leave the house. Honoring that this is YOUR time with God and dont allow people to interrupt.

If you enjoyed this article I know you would enjoy my new Delight & Desires Masterclass. You’ll learn how to connect with your calling to thrive in the marketplace.

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