
The Mindset to Manifest a Healed Limiting Belief System

Business Mindset, Mindset To Manifest

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The limiting belief systems we have often branch as far back as childhood. We adopt certain ways of looking at ourselves and we begin to believe it. These beliefs then show up in areas of life where we are producing results that we don’t want. The question then becomes – “How do I develop the mindset to a healed limiting belief system?” Let’s look at a simple four-step strategy that will help you do just that.


Acknowledging your limiting beliefs is the first step in healing your mind of unwanted thoughts and actions. The truth of the matter is, your limiting beliefs have shaped everything you do. They are the hidden culprit to missed opportunities and discouraged outcomes.

Take some time to acknowledge your limiting beliefs by writing them down. Think about the various areas in your life and follow the thoughts and actions around them. Consider taking it a step further by noting the strength of the belief and the emotions it brings out in you. 


Now that you’ve acknowledged your limiting beliefs, it is time to realize what they really are – simply beliefs. Of course when you believe something for so long, it then becomes true. This rewiring process will take some time; however, it is a very much needed step in the healing process.

This is when you get to make the ultimate choice of continuing to let the beliefs about your limitations dictate your actions, or do what you need to do to reach your desired goals. Grab your list of limiting beliefs and prepare to turn them into real truths with the next step. 


For each limiting belief on your paper, cross it out and replace it with a truth. This may take a little imagination, but start by thinking of things that align with what you want. The key is to not ignore what you have gone through in the past, but to now use that as fuel to where you want to go in the future.

Here’s an example of turning a belief into a real truth:

Limiting belief/Lie: “I don’t have enough experience to price my service at $500 per client.”

New belief/Truth: “The experience I have gained so far has given me the ability to charge $500 per client.”

These new beliefs are what you’ll soon put into action with the next and final step.


The saying is “actions speak louder than words,” and that is certainly the case when healing your limiting belief system. You’ve acknowledged what they are, realized the truth about them, and turned them into truths (on paper). Now it’s time to put your new beliefs in action. 

This may feel like the scary part, but you can do it! It is time to step into your new belief system and start making decisions based on it. If you hesitate on walking in your new belief system, it will only be a matter of time before the old beliefs creep back in.  

Keep in mind that this process does not have to be perfect. It’s also something that can be done time and time again, as needed. I can’t say that the limiting beliefs will ever stop, but what can stop is them overtaking your mind and actions. Use this four-step strategy anytime you notice limiting beliefs coming up. And remember to always walk it out. 

CHIME IN: Do you have any limiting beliefs that are hindering your business or personal life? Let me know in the comments below!

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Justina Ford


Justina holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, a Master’s in Human Service Counseling focused in Business, and additional training in the Emotional Freedom Technique and Splankna Therapy. She is an Amazon #1 International Best-Selling Author, Huffington Post Contributor and Contributing Author of Notes to Younger Women. She also serves as a Commercial Makeup Artist to Professional Photographers, Marketing and Advertising Teams. She is an intuitive business coach and Christian energy healer. She calls herself The Soul-Purpose Alignment Strategist. She helps new and aspiring Christian Coaches and service based Mompreneurs to overcome limiting beliefs surrounding their purpose and their call to create in the marketplace.

You can also find her in her Facebook Group The Purposeful Pursuit to a Beautiful You


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