4 Reasons Why You Haven’t Launched Your Business Idea

4 Reasons Why You Haven’t Launched Your Business Idea

What are the reasons why you haven’t launched your business idea? I’m sure you had a variety of things come to mind when reading that question, but can I be honest with you? Whatever your answers were, they were most likely rooted in limiting beliefs that turned into excuses. And that’s okay. In this post, we’re going to talk about some of the top reasons and what you can start doing to get past them.

Reasons why you haven't launched your business idea.

4 Reasons Why You Haven’t Launched Your Business Idea

1. You’re not clear on what you should be doing.

This reason always takes the top spot. Why? Typically because when you look at what the people around you are doing, it’s easy to feel like you should be doing the same thing. Suddenly, your God-given talents go out the window and you begin chasing what you think will make you successful.

To gain clarity around your calling, write down ways you naturally feel drawn to helping people. Then, add experiences you’ve gone through that could be used to help them.

2. You are afraid to fail.

Being afraid to fail is another common reason that even the most successful people go through. The biggest difference is their ability to get past that thought process and adopt a new mindset. In order to release yourself from the fear of failing is to make your mission about other people. When you are fixed on yourself, you won’t see the blessing you are meant to be to others.

Begin moving past the fear of failing by reminding yourself why you are wanting to start (or have already launched) your business.

3. You’ve bitten into the mindset that you need training and certification before getting started.

I am all for obtaining encouraging others to get certifications or further their knowledge about a certain skill set. What I don’t want you to do is become a victim of is believing you need these things in order to walk in your calling. God equips those that He calls and you don’t want to hinder that. I help my clients see the benefit in becoming lifelong students. In other words, be okay with the ongoing process of reaching your goals.

Prioritize your need for training, certifications, and/or knowledge by joining a mastermind, collective, group coaching program, or the like. Get past the idea of believing you need to have it all together before you launch your business.

4. It costs too much money.

This has always been one of the biggest lies that prevent people from launching their business idea. In this day and age, people want you to believe that you need to invest bookoos of money in order to get started. I’m here to tell you that you can launch your business idea with $0. Every platform I’ve ever used has always had some sort of free option that can be utilized until you need to and can make the investments to upgrade. 

Use platforms like Facebook and a free email service to get your business idea off the ground. In the meantime, identify if you have any limiting beliefs around money (which most people do). 

Final Thoughts

There may be many more reasons why you haven’t launched your business idea. And again, that is okay. Every successful entrepreneur has to start somewhere and I want to walk with you from the beginning. I want to help you identify limiting beliefs that are tied to the reasons why you believe you can’t launch your business idea yet. 

Part of what I do is link arms with other women of faith in business and help navigate through sabotaging beliefs. We identify them and replace them with new truths that allow them to experience true breakthroughs. 

If this sounds like something you need, then let’s chat.   

3 Limiting Beliefs Related to Becoming an Author

3 Limiting Beliefs Related to Becoming an Author

Truth be told, it is 100% normal to have limiting beliefs related to becoming an author. And you’re not the only one who may have to navigate some of what I’m going to discuss below. To help you feel better, there are many people who never pursue it because they never get past these beliefs. My hope for you is that you’ll read this post and be motivated to take the next steps necessary to make authorship a reality.

Limiting beliefs related to becoming an author.

3 Limiting Beliefs Related to Becoming an Author

1. I don’t know what to write my book about.

Most people want to become an author but draw a blank when it comes to writing. The truth of the matter is, all of us have many books in us. Whether you want to write a biography, share how you’ve overcome, or write about your business – you have a story to tell.

2. I’m not familiar with the resources to become an author.

Yes, it can be pretty intimidating when you see all these fancy books endorsed by top publishing companies and hitting New York’s best-seller lists. However, these are not the only way to get your book written, published, and promoted. In fact, these authors most likely forked out thousands and thousands of dollars to hire ghostwriters, the best publishing company, and (dare I say) paid for high-level reviews and list spots. There are other resources to tap into to become a published author.

3. No one is going to purchase or read my book.

This is just a lie from the devil himself. If he can get you to doubt before you even get started, then you know you have a story to tell. Just about every author goes through this limiting belief as well. Truth is, if you never write and publish your story, then the devil is right. No one is going to buy or read your book because it won’t be an option. Instead of believing no one will purchase or read your book, go into it with the expectation that your book will be purchased and read exactly by who needs to see and read it!

How to Overcome Limiting Beliefs Related to Becoming an Author

You need to come to terms with what limiting beliefs are present in your life when it comes to becoming an author. Write down the thoughts and emotions that come to mind when you think about becoming a published author. You’ll need to be 100% clear and honest so you can move on to the next step.

Once you’ve written your limiting beliefs down, begin to identify the truths around them. For example, you not currently knowing what resources are available to help you become a published author may be true. But the ultimate truth is there are some that exist that could help you. So instead of moving forward believing that you don’t know who to reach out or what to do, you can formulate the belief and expectation that the help you need is available and it may take some research.

Then, it’s time to rewrite your limiting beliefs in a way that speaks life to your dreams and goals of becoming a published author. Using the 3 limiting beliefs above, it would look something like this:

  • I have many experiences and knowledge that could be used to write a book.
  • I will become familiar with the different options for becoming a published author.
  • My book will be purchased and read by those who are meant to have it.

Take the Step to Become a Published Author by Participating in My Anthology!

Every year for the past 3 years I have connected with 30+ women to write three different anthologies. If you’re unfamiliar with this type of book, it’s a compilation of stories written by several authors. This upcoming year will be no different and I’m actually looking for women of faith in business who would like to share a piece of what they do while expanding their audience and reach and building credibility within their field. If this sounds like something you’d like to do, then I’d love for you to check out more information here.

3 Ways Being an Author Boosts Your Business

3 Ways Being an Author Boosts Your Business

If there is one thing a lot of women of faith in business are missing out on, it’s knowing how being an author boosts your business. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t start my business with being an author at the forefront of my mind. But, it didn’t take long to realize it would be a major part of helping grow my business. Over the past couple of years, I’ve helped other women become published authors and grow the reach of their businesses simply by sharing their stories.

ways being an author boosts your business

3 Ways Being an Author Boosts Your Business

If you’ve never considered becoming an author, allow me to share ways becoming one will boost your business. 

Becoming an author establishes credibility.

In most people’s eyes, it takes a lot to become an author. And becoming must mean the author knows what they’re talking about. Although there is a process to getting your book published, the fact that you’d put forward the effort to do so says a lot. This also gives you the opportunity to go into depth about a subject you know a lot about. 

Being a mindset and visibility coach, I was able to put together an anthology that included other women in similar niches. The sole purpose of the books was to share my tools for having a mindset to manifest by means of a 10-day challenge and expertise of the co-authors. Every woman that participated established a new level of credibility in her field.

Being an author boosts your visibility.

Not only will becoming an author put you in front of more eyes, but it will also extend your reach. You may even notice a new demographic within your audience that was not there before. With the majority of most people’s reach being through social media, statistics show that reaching beyond your ideal client can sometimes be difficult. However, once you become a published author, you can begin reaching people who you may have never considered before.

You will add to your streams of income.

You’re probably familiar with the saying that most millionaires have multiple streams of income. Adding being an author to your list will provide you with another stream. Not to mention, this is one that could be considered residual because once you’ve written the book, it doesn’t have to be written again. From the written book, you can then start to form additional streams of income such as courses, a podcast, companion books, and so on. Simply put, from one book, you can add several streams of income.

Final Thoughts

I’ve had the privilege of putting together three anthologies with over 30 women of faith in business. Each one has been unique and very profitable for everyone involved. If you’re a little intimidated by becoming a published author, consider starting with participating in an anthology. I’ll be putting together my next one soon and you’re invited to be a part of it. There are many benefits to working with me, including handling all of the publishing steps all while providing you with PR opportunities. Fill out this form if you’re interested!

4 Reasons Why You Should Focus on Mindset Mastery

4 Reasons Why You Should Focus on Mindset Mastery

One of the most important influences on your business success is mindset mastery. This two-word combo has the power to make or break your business. That may come off a little harsh, but it’s the truth. What you think has every impact on the behaviors and tasks you do for your business. Beyond being successful, here are four other reasons why you should focus on mindset mastery.

Reasons why you should focus on mindset mastery.

4 Reasons Why You Should Focus on Mindset Mastery

1. Mindset mastery helps you have a healthy self-esteem.

Notice I didn’t use the term “high” self-esteem. You see, high self-esteem comes with many myths and stigmas. It causes people to flip into a chase mentality versus a healthy one that welcomes all the ups and downs encountered throughout life (and business). When you are more focused on healthy self-esteem, it becomes less about reaching some final destination and more about obtaining a level of self-esteem that’s comfortable for you personally.

2. Focusing on mindset mastery opens the door to greater confidence.

Have you ever been asked about your prices and you instantly start stuttering and sweating? You hesitate to tell the person because your fears of what they make think overpower your answer. Or, perhaps you’ve waited to put together your signature course because you believe the lie that no one will purchase it. All of these branch from different things, but they all have one thing in common – the block of confidence.

Mindset mastery will help you formulate a winning perspective that says whether this is for you or not, I am doing it because I know it for someone!

3. Mindset mastery helps you run a cohesive business that is balanced with other areas of life.

The majority of my clients are high-performing women of faith who are typically juggling marriage, motherhood and being a womanpreneur. Each of these areas come with their own spinning plates and stacked hats, making balance all the more important. Mindset mastery helps this woman visualize and walk out all of her possibilities in every aspect of life, not just in business.

4. Achieving your underlying goals is made more visible with mindset mastery.

Have you ever had goals that you just can’t seem to reach? No matter how hard you try or how much work you put in, it’s just not happening. Besides getting to the specific root of the issue, part of it is always linked to your level of mindset mastery. Sometimes there are specific skill sets missing to help you get past blocks and other things hindering your business growth. When you begin working on your mindset, you will continue to gain the clarity and skills needed to break through anything that gets in the way of your business (and personal life).

Final Thoughts

How much investment have you put into mindset mastery? It’s okay if your answer is not much at all. In fact, that is most people’s answer because it’s not something that’s always talked about. In my line of work, it is part of my mission to help the women of faith in business develop a kingdom mindset. This mindset helps women to experience more time freedom, flexibility, and execute the work it takes to experience business success. 

One of the ways I do this is through my Mindset Mastery Training Vault + Inner Circle Coaching Call. On a monthly basis, I meet with a collective group of women who are eager to experience real breakthroughs and open doors they once thought were closed. I’m personally inviting you to join me! Check out all the details here!

How to Have a Heart for God and a Concept for Business

How to Have a Heart for God and a Concept for Business

When we start talking about having a heart for God and a concept for business, we shift into what I like to call kingdom mindset for the women of faith in business. There’s something special when a woman of God uses her God-given and inspired abilities to not only change other lives but her own as well. What typically happens, though, is confusion begins to set in with understanding how to honor and serve God through owning a business. It often goes deeper than using scripture as a tagline or adding the Christian title to your business. And that’s the balance we’re going to talk about below.

How to have a heart for God and a concept for business.

How to Have a Heart for God

I want to break up this post into two main points so we don’t continue fueling any confusion. While the two work hand-in-hand, I think it’s important to visit each concept separately. As Jesus-believing womenpreneurs, we all know how important it is to delight ourselves in the Lord

Psalm 37:4 lays it out for us plainly by showing what happens when we choose to delight in Him. There isn’t any catch and there are no hoops to jump. The key is to know what our desires are and to make sure they align with God’s will for lives. When these things don’t align, that’s when we question God and wonder why things aren’t going as we expect them to.

The truth of the matter is having a heart for God is pretty practical. We can develop this characteristic by:

  • Finding peace and fulfillment in the Lord.
  • Trusting that He will lead, guide, and direct you (especially in business).
  • Making Him the head of all we say and do.
  • Serving others to best of our ability.

Each of these are also needed to have a successful business. In fact, they can be seen as part of the very foundation and core concept. Speaking of which…

delight and desires masterclass

How to Have a Concept for Business

I’ve had many clients struggle with the idea of actually being a business owner. I always remind them that they are so much more because they are the co-owner of their business. You may be wondering how a co-owner can be more than an owner. When you see God as the ultimate owner of your business, then that moves you to the co-owner seat. And what better partner to have in business than Heavenly Father Himself?

I believe this is the first and most important concept for businesses to understand. This invites biblical principles to run your business versus worldly ones. Your temptations to deviate will be met with the Word of God and the desire to please Him instead of the world.

Once you understand that concept, all other ones will begin to align. You’ll begin to:

  • Seek clarity around your calling.
  • Be clear about your program, services, and product offerings.
  • Serve genuinely and authentically.
  • Stay connected and visible with your clients.
  • Be confident in your decision-making and goal-setting.

These are just a few examples, but some of the most important ones to note. 

Combining a Heart for God with a Concept for Business

Now that we’ve talked about the two separately, let’s look at them collectively. As a womanpreneur, you may also be a mom, a homeschooling mom, working a part-time or full-time brick-and-mortar job, or a number of other things. None of these have to hinder you in your path to becoming a woman of faith in business… let alone, a woman of faith in a co-partnered business with God. 

What most women of faith in business need is accountability, mindset mastery, and brand visibility. Some of these terms may sound foreign or perhaps you’re already involved in working on these aspects. I’ll be the first to tell you that no matter how many years you’ve had a business, the workaround in these areas is never done.

It’s more of a rinse and repeat kind of cycle. You’ll gain the confidence to run a cohesive business that is balanced with other areas of life, confidently speak to your ideal client, and clearly communicate solutions.

This is why I’ve started Mindset Mastery Vault with an Inner Circle Coaching Call. I love meeting with a small collective group of women and pouring into them on a monthly basis. We tackle things that would otherwise keep you stuck in your current position and instead catapults you toward reaching your goals.

You’re invited to join my next session! Click here for more info!

3 Benefits of Investing in a Training Vault with an Inner Circle Coaching Call

3 Benefits of Investing in a Training Vault with an Inner Circle Coaching Call

There are many benefits to investing in a training vault with an inner circle coaching call. While most training vaults are simply a dump of valuable information geared toward helping boost your business, there’s something extra special about one that has an inner circle coaching call.

Benefits of investing in a training vault with inner circle coaching call.

What is an inner circle coaching call?

An inner circle coaching call typically consists of a lesson or review of a particular topic, concept, and/or strategy. These also include a Q&A session followed by a time for hot seat coaching. Overall, these calls give you exclusive access to coaches that otherwise would not be provided.

They are intended to give you extra boosts for your business as well as hands-on and practical tasks that can be implemented immediately in your life and business. This type of coaching also requires some commitment on behalf of those receiving it, especially to get the biggest benefits.

Although the coach can give you all the key pointers to taking your business to the next level, they can’t do the work for you. Overall, an inner circle coaching call works as an ebb and flow with ensuring you get to your next level of success.

3 Benefits of Investing in a Training Vault With an Inner Circle Coaching Call

A training vault paired with an inner circle coaching call helps give you unique strategies for your business.

Having the proper strategies for your business is critical in order for any business to grow. Simply starting a business and hoping things will work out will only get you so far. Having access to a training vault full of digital and printable resources gives you hands-on materials that can be used in the present and the future. Pairing an inner circle coaching will often build upon the resources already found in the training vault and in return, take the guesswork out of identifying and implementing specific strategies for your business.

Investing in a training vault with an inner circle coaching call gives tailored help with different aspects of your business.

Every entrepreneur will encounter a variety of roadblocks, setbacks, and hiccups. These aren’t necessarily bad unless they are hindering you from experiencing growth in your business. With the help of a training vault paired with an inner circle coaching call, you can get coaching on specific things. This can be stuff you are dealing with in your business or personal life. Sure, you can read some books and listen to a few podcasts; however, having these other two resources in your corner will add what the others can’t do.

When you invest in a training vault with an inner circle coaching call you experience faster growth in your business.

Of course, the results are completely dependent upon the work you are putting in, but having this intimate group-style coaching opportunity is monumental for any entrepreneur. Training vaults alone simply provide you with resources that you’ll need to watch, download, and implement into your business. Coaching calls alone typically do not come with many tangible resources, if any at all. A training vault plus inner circle coaching call gives you the best of both services.

Final Thoughts

If you haven’t started investing in your business, I personally suggest doing so as soon as possible. While there are a lot of options out there to choose from, you can’t go wrong with utilizing a training vault. You surely don’t want to miss out on one with an inner circle coaching call. My clients have always jumped on this opportunity when my vault doors open. They know they will get their desired results.

You’re invited to join my next open session!

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