
What Does Emotional Freedom Technique Have to do with My Entrepreneurial Call?

Business Mindset, Spirituality

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Janet Crawford put it this way:…emotions are elegant shortcuts that allow us to sort through reams of [subconscious] neural patterns and generate feelings that guide us toward or away from a course of action. Without emotion, we are biologically incapable of making decisions. Logic is often the last step in the process.

Why do we care about emotions in the first place? The emotions we experience literally guide us toward or away from our desired course of action. We need to discover how those emotions are playing a role in our desired happiness and success. As you’re navigating what will make you happy and what will make you feel fulfilled you are dealing with a myriad of emotions; some under the surface and some that are front and center. Not only can we discover how emotions are playing a role in our desired outcomes but we can literally heal the emotion that is steering us away from our desired result. Wouldn’t that be amazing? Getting to the root of the emotions that are truly holding you back from manifesting your desired life and business.

Thoughts, beliefs, emotion and intention. The beliefs we hold, which are wordless energetic states of being, attract thoughts and emotions to match. When you are experience disempowering thoughts and emotions, they lead to disempowering lies and vows that you begin to will into existence through your intentions. The opposite happens for us also, when we experience positive thoughts and emotions we create empowering truths and action that we will to existent with our intention.

What are the true thoughts that have been spinning around in your head lately?

  • Can I really do this?
  • Am I really cut out for this?
  • I have to many ideas and none of them have really worked yet?
  • I don’t know how to be a successful business woman
  • I’m afraid to really be seen
  • I can’y trust the truth of how amazing I really am
  • I still question if I’m good enough

What are your true intentions as a professional entrepreneurial woman looking to embark on your journey of creating and bringing forth your purpose in the marketplace? What is the outcome that you are really looking for? If it is that you desire to be serving in a way that truly lights you up and you desire to create impact and lead with purpose then thoughts like the ones above do not serve you. But it’s not your fault. Women lead lives with baggage from their past that stir up emotions that they so desperate want to break free from but until you get to the root of the emotion you stay stuck, spinning your wheels and wondering what is wrong with you

While painting this picture of connection I hope it’s getting clearer to you why your emotions are so important as a women of faith with the call to entrepreneurship. There may be negative thoughts or beliefs that you have about yourself and other successful people in business. Despite your desire to be impactful with your own business, these negative thoughts and beliefs can lead to disempowering lies and vows that you are intentionally displaying in your life. The issue is that sometimes we are totally unaware, totally oblivious to the affects of our subconscious beliefs. I suggest you check the fruit.

  • Are your service booked out?
  • Are you reaching your financial goals?
  • Are you excited to wake up and serve in your given field?
  • Do you see where your next clients are coming from?
  • Are you soulfully aligned to the work you’re doing?
  • Do you have a well-oiled team?
  • Are you reaching your desired goals?
  • Are you committed to the process of growth?
  • Are you displaying the discipline and confidence necessary to be a successful business woman?

If your answer is no to any of these…checking your thoughts and emotions is vital. Embracing a process of emotional healing is also vital.

Managing our emotions is the foundation to personal achievement, happiness, and professional success. If you are a solo entrepreneur you know the lines between personal and professional can be blurred. It is our personal desire to be a professional success. See what I mean?? I want you to consider the idea that you can not only manage but actually heal the conscious and subconscious emotions that are running the the limiting beliefs, lies, and vows that you’ve agreed to as coping mechanisms.

You may be asking how I know this. Surely I do because I remember the struggle of going back and forth on what I wanted, I remember having the opportunities right in my face but being too afraid to seize them. I remember having the resources at my fingertips but my thoughts and emotions truly holding me captive. My thoughts of not being good enough, my thoughts of not being capable all created an emotional vibration that kept me paralyzed and kept me stuck.

Have you ever wondered why you desire to do better but you end up replaying the same old habits? Well that’s because there is emotional healing to be done in that area. There are lies and vows at play in your life that stem from events and traumas from your Youth. This is where the Emotional Freedom Technique comes into place. There is a negative story that is written on your wall and it’s time for that to change. I’m talking energy psychology protocols that God has gifted us with that are based in circuitry and intention. It’s a such a wonderful blessing to be in a co-operative framework alongside God our creator.

For your purpose, for your success, tap into the subconscious mind and break free from your disempowering thoughts and belief.


One of the first steps to manifesting a life and business that you truly desire is having a heart for God and Mind for Business. We must first have our thoughts in alignment with what God thinks about us before we can manifest anything. Interested in experiencing Heart and Soul as your new Strategy? Check out my free webinar! 

Justina Ford


Justina holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, a Master’s in Human Service Counseling focused in Business, and additional training in the Emotional Freedom Technique and Splankna Therapy. She is an Amazon #1 International Best-Selling Author, Huffington Post Contributor and Contributing Author of Notes to Younger Women. She also serves as a Commercial Makeup Artist to Professional Photographers, Marketing and Advertising Teams. She is an intuitive business coach and Christian energy healer. She calls herself The Soul-Purpose Alignment Strategist. She helps new and aspiring Christian Coaches and service based Mompreneurs to overcome limiting beliefs surrounding their purpose and their call to create in the marketplace.

You can also find her in her Facebook Group The Purposeful Pursuit to a Beautiful You




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