It did what? 12 Secret Spiritual Energy Tools to Help You Succeed in Business.

It did what? 12 Secret Spiritual Energy Tools to Help You Succeed in Business.

It did what? 12 Secret Spiritual Energy Tools to Help You Succeed in Business.

The woo woo in business is real ladies! Spiritual Energy work can help you grow your business and tap into your true purpose. Taking time to check in with self, visualize, move forward with intuitive hunches and heal the broken areas in your life does yield results. You are running on auto-pilot in our businesses and you wonder why you keep hitting a brick wall. God has something to show you and he has an area in your life he wants you to pay attention to.

God cares about the healing of your soul first before he cares about your success as an entrepreneur.

I mean in the grand scheme of things this is what a loving Father does for His children. That being said taking the time to focus on healing work, mindset work, clearing limiting beliefs and vows is the hidden secret to success in business. Here’s what some of my past clients have experienced! I have had clients where after 6 months of trying to get blog posts accepted to mega-large audiences finally get the spark of intuition about a divine topic, write it right after our session, submit, and get a yes 5 hours later. I have had clients where they get a yes to a $30,000 contract the very next day after our session, when the very same customer was giving them the runaround for weeks!!   spiritual energy work I can keep going ladies … I had a client bang out the course to her very own unique transformational coaching course for transitioning divorcees in only a matter of a few short weeks when she was literally stuck for years prior. I had another client who was spinning her wheels, working really hard without seeing results. She knew what actions she really needed to do but somehow couldn’t get herself to do it for a whole year! Sitting with product on her shelf and finally after a spiritual energy session with me she got her product in not just 1 but 2 retail locations …. talk about an energetic shift!!!

Let me help you get results in your business! Book a Discovery Session with me here!

Here are 12 secret spiritual energy tools that I have shared and worked on with my clients to help them reach their version of success:
  1. Daily Affirmations and Mantras
Yes, this seems simple enough and I guarantee you this alone may shift you some but there’s a holistic approach to spiritual energy work and we know the words we speak play a huge role in what manifests in our lives. My clients don’t just use generic affirmations. These are personally crafted affirmations that are so in sync with their beliefs and values.
  1. EFT tapping
This is one the biggest secrets to business success. When we take the time to tap through our negative beliefs, we energetically shift massive thoughts and energy in our lives. God will literally move blocks that we didn’t even know were in our way. Do you desire to serve in a way that God has called you too? Then don’t be afraid to tap into your subconscious mind which he designed to begin with.
  1. Seeking Alignment and co-partnership with God
Are you daily seeking alignment in prayer? Your goal should be to align yourself with the will of God. I remember telling God if this business isn’t for me or in your will I will give it up now. Show we me what you would have me to do and I will do it. Every since this heart to heart moment I have increased my income every year letting me know that this is how God would have me to serve. You can absolutely seek this desired level of alignment in your daily prayer. 12 Secret Spiritual Energy Tools to Help You Succeed in Business.
  1. Direct Access
If you understand the energetic meridian lines in your body and the fact that emotions are stored in body, then you know that you can touch the areas of your body where the emotion is stored and with intentional thought think about about releasing that energy while touching your body. It’s called circuitry and intention. They definitely go hand in hand. Sounds about crazy but we are spiritual creatures first and our spiritual and emotional state affects our physical experience within our business, within this world.
  1. Give and you shall receive
This is a spiritual principle that I have all my clients apply to business. I had a client that was afraid of sharing her tips and ideas in fear that others would steal from her, copy her ideas, and that clients wouldn’t want to work with her if they could get info for “free”. One of greatest break through was to give and serve with her knowledge and she immediately began attracting more clients.
  1. Visualizing your goals everyday
Take time visualizing the things you want everyday. Write it out! Journal! Feel it on an energetic and emotional level! Speak it out loud even when it feels like a lie or false.
  1. “You time” in your business everyday
This is essential to business success! This is what big CEO’s do. How can you decide what the next creation will be, the next ideas, the next collaboration, the next goal to reach if you don’t take time for self everyday? I have a personal development day where I read excellent literature related to my field so I can continue to show up as a thought leader in my field.
  1. Faith
You have to shift from relying solely on your logic mind.The Bible says it best Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. You may not see the thriving business you desire now but develop a hope and confidence that it will come!
  1. Money Mindset
You got to look at your money story. I take my clients through an in-depth view of their story around money and how to shift it. The first step is awareness in regards to how you feel about money. What do you think of rich people. If you think they are greedy or sneaky then you are energetically repelling money!
  1. Forgiveness
You can’t make money when you are angry, not if you desire to operate from a heart-centered place. Forgiveness and letting go other people that haven’t met your standards frees you to be the person you were called to be without the negative blocks.
  1. Decluttering
Physically get rid of thing that you no longer need in your life so you can welcome the new things on an energetic level.
  1. Micro-upleveling
Micro-upleveling shows that you are ready to receive. This can be as simple as buying new underwear because you are worth it.
Justina is a Pro MUA and Mindset and Success Coach. To schedule a complimentary clarity session with her click on the link calendly.com/purposefulpursuit
You can also find her in her Facebook Group The Purposeful Pursuit to a Beautiful You.

Enjoy this blog? Please spread the word 🙂

Justina Ford


Justina holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, a Master’s in Human Service Counseling focused in Business, and additional training in the Emotional Freedom Technique and Splankna Therapy. She is an Amazon #1 International Best-Selling Author, Huffington Post Contributor and Contributing Author of Notes to Younger Women. She also serves as a Commercial Makeup Artist to Professional Photographers, Marketing and Advertising Teams. She is an intuitive business coach and Christian energy healer. She calls herself The Soul-Purpose Alignment Strategist. She helps new and aspiring Christian Coaches and service based Mompreneurs to overcome limiting beliefs surrounding their purpose and their call to create in the marketplace.

Click HERE to schedule a complimentary clarity session with her. 

You can also find her in her Facebook Group The Purposeful Pursuit to a Beautiful You

Follow Me


Please Note: I do not provide the services of a licensed physician, or licensed counselor, information received should not be seen as medical or mental health advice and is not meant to take the place of seeing licensed health professionals.

951 E G Miles Parkway Hinesville GA 31313

+1 912-532-0953


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What $32 In Your Bank Account Can Teach You About Valuing Your Gifts

What $32 In Your Bank Account Can Teach You About Valuing Your Gifts

What $32 In Your Bank Account Can Teach You About Valuing Your Gifts

I woke up to $32 in my bank account and I was so frustrated! You see I had an account with a pretty decent amount in it close down because of some ignorance on my part. So.. my “pretty decent amount” check was cut and placed in the mail (lala land in my book) on the way to me and my other account had only $32 in it. In that moment, I literally only had $32 to my name … I felt pretty low … like who was I to speak to anyone, who was I to encourage anyone, who was I to be a coach, who was I to be an entrepreneur. I was letting my money define me, I was letting these two digits 3 and 2 tell me what I was capable of; tell me what I was worthy of.
  • I felt like I wasn’t worthy to own a business;
  • I wasn’t worthy to inspire others;
  • I wasn’t worthy to help other women transform their thinking;
  • I wasn’t worthy to help others peel back the layers on their limiting beliefs;
  • I wasn’t worthy to do the energy work that I love so much;
  • I wasn’t worthy to allow God to use me;
  • I wasn’t worthy to write and blog;
  • I wasn’t worthy to motivate and educate others because of these two numbers.
What $32 In My Bank Account Taught MeAdd heading

God kindly reminded me of a day in my makeup business …

A time when it was just makeup and nothing else as part of my brand. I remember a day when I had a makeup gig to do and I only had like $20 to my name but I had to go to the 4 day job and thank God for a full tank of gas, thank God that they feed you while on set, and that when they go from location to location you get in the crew vehicle (that saved me more gas). I had to ask myself when I had $20 in my account did I feel like a less qualified artist, did I do my job worse, or was I less capable artist because of the way the way my bank account looked?? NO not at all. I still received the praise and acknowledgment of doing an amazing job. And to this day I am the preferred makeup artist for this production team. I still had the talent and skill regardless of the $20 in my account and 4 days later after I finished that job they paid me $2,000 in full.

That quick I shifted from an amazing artist with $32 to an amazing artist with $2,000!

Don’t let your $20 mindset stop you from making $2,000. Your worth is not the equivalent of the money in your bank account. Your God-given skills and talents are waiting to be unleashed out into this world for the soul-purpose of serving others and bringing glory to His kingdom. Be a light in the dark places. Be a beacon of hope in the areas of desperation and doubt. Just the same way that my makeup skills don’t disappear overnight, God showed me that I still know how to dig deep with my coaching clients, I still know how to peel back the layers and get to the root of their limiting beliefs, God showed me that he still thought I was worth partnering with creativity, divine inspiration, and divine healing for women who desire to manifest their soul-services into the world.

Let me help you manifest your soul-services into the world! Book a Discovery Session with me here!

And just like that when I learned the lesson literally hours later I had a deposit of $750 hit my account for one of my coaching intensives hit my account just like. God has lessons for us to learn and the quicker we submit and learn them, then he can use us to be a catalyst. An authentic and transparent help to others in our soulful service based business. $32 Bank Account Your service that you bring to the table isn’t based on how much is in your bank account. You’re worth is not tied to money. You are worth so much to the special people that you are meant to serve, they are waiting on you! The amount of money we have the potential to make is connected to our perception of our self-worth. We have to value ourselves first outside of the money, without the money, – $32 in our accounts lol, no titles, no labels.

We need to understand that our talents are valuable to the world

When we get to this point of understanding that we are valuable, we in turn bring value by being who we are, by giving the talents we’ve been blessed with to others, and serving in an authentic way, we operate in a freedom that generates more income, attracts more money, more creativity, and opportunities. We have to know and come to terms with the fact that we deserve to be compensated for our gifts and talents before we can increase our earnings. Clearing the negative energy around not being enough and not being worthy is essential to increasing what we earn.
Justina is a Pro MUA and Mindset and Success Coach. To schedule a complimentary clarity session with her click on the link calendly.com/purposefulpursuit
You can also find her in her Facebook Group The Purposeful Pursuit to a Beautiful You.

Enjoy this blog? Please spread the word 🙂

Justina Ford


Justina holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, a Master’s in Human Service Counseling focused in Business, and additional training in the Emotional Freedom Technique and Splankna Therapy. She is an Amazon #1 International Best-Selling Author, Huffington Post Contributor and Contributing Author of Notes to Younger Women. She also serves as a Commercial Makeup Artist to Professional Photographers, Marketing and Advertising Teams. She is an intuitive business coach and Christian energy healer. She calls herself The Soul-Purpose Alignment Strategist. She helps new and aspiring Christian Coaches and service based Mompreneurs to overcome limiting beliefs surrounding their purpose and their call to create in the marketplace.

Click HERE to schedule a complimentary clarity session with her. 

You can also find her in her Facebook Group The Purposeful Pursuit to a Beautiful You

Follow Me


Please Note: I do not provide the services of a licensed physician, or licensed counselor, information received should not be seen as medical or mental health advice and is not meant to take the place of seeing licensed health professionals.

951 E G Miles Parkway Hinesville GA 31313

+1 912-532-0953


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How I Honored My Values and Respected My Boundaries Around Marriage and Business

How I Honored My Values and Respected My Boundaries Around Marriage and Business

I did a search to see when the last time it was that I posted in a FB group relevant to my niche. I found that it was the end of June. So that means all of July, August and now the beginning of September . That’s about 10 weeks of internal reflection without posting in any Facebook groups, well except my own. June’s around the time I realized I had to take a step back from my own business goals to support my husband’s new business. I can’t say I made the decision all at once or head in with the full awareness of what I was doing. I think I was pulled by the hair just a little bit with constant reminders of “now…this is your business not mine remember” More so trying to convince myself and not him…

I decided to step back from goals and begin to support him with his business little by little and day by day and soon realized that it was what I meant to do. At first, I struggled with the idea of letting go of my own desires and passions and putting myself on the back burner once again. You know how we moms tend to put ourselves last and we are so quick to put down what we are working on in efforts to help everyone else and solve everyone else’s problems. Initially I struggled with this being the theme of my life for the summer. I wrestled with the idea of putting 20 plus hours into my husband’s business and I worried about taking on too much, where eventually his business would become our business. But what was I really running away from or what was I really resistant to.

It was the idea of boundaries…I wanted to establish the boundary of having a business of my own. But then I was reminded that “my business” isn’t even the right term. It’s HIS (God’s) business. So I had to re-evaluate my over-arching goal for our family. That goal has always been freedom, flexibility and finances. Was helping my husband taking me away from the bigger goal at hand? Was laying aside my own desires and hard work really suffocating me from operating as  the entrepreneur and leader that I was. I had to have a change of heart and say no.

Putting “My business” to the side really gave me an opportunity to live up to one of my values and that was “family first no matter what!” Hey this is what I teach in my coaching. How to live an authentic life that reflects our values and beliefs. And you know what it’s been so rewarding!

It’s been rewarding:

to be in a position to train and motivate my husband

to be in a place where I could choose to slow down on my business and honor my commitment to my husband

to experience working together and encouraging each other

to watch my husband, try his best and grow in something totally out of his comfort zone

to experience his growth in the insurance industry (he’s an expert at the presentation now)

to give my children the opportunity to become a little more independent

to have my children grow closer as they couldn’t rely on me being there 24/7

to see our faith in God, grow (because starting a new business is hard and we were lacking the security of having a savings, writing another post on that soon) why we should have had a savings before embarking on our new business venture and how we’ll have a second go around)

 How I Honored My Values and Respected My Boundaries Around Marriage and Business

Sometimes we talk about honoring our values and living an authentic life full of purpose but what about when it comes at cost to you? What if it means investing in someone else to help them grow? I would have been a hypocrite to the message that I share and put out had not stepped back from my own business and helped my husband with his. And no I didn’t take these actions to avoid being a hypocrite. I was actually pretty reistant and it took some time for reflection and again day by day actions of showing up for him that helped me to see it differently.

Back to boundaries, no I didn’t just let my boundaries go all together. No I didn’t just fold and give up on myself and adopt my husband’s dream. I created parameters for success. We put a timeline on how long I would be helping him to build confidence in his new role as an independent insurance agent. I committed to putting my business to the side up until school started (we homeschool by the way) and then I we decided how I would ween myself out of being present. So two weeks of going MWF, the two more weeks of going T/TH and then going out one day a week to be a continued support. You see I’ve been a licensed insurance agent for 10 years now (ok I may have let it lapse a time or two but you get my point) so my sales objection fighting skill were needed in order to help my husband build confidence to even try something new and I wasn’t going to withhold that from him. Not at time like this when he needed me the most.

After all this wonderful awareness and gratitude toward how we decided to work through all of this, lo and behold my husband came to a realization that acting as an independent agent which really means being responsible for his own activity just like a business owner would wasn’t really a good idea for us afterall. So, in the end I got the opportunity to work alongside my husband and truly be a great support to him affording him the flexibility to try a new career path in his life. That’s truly a gift and warms my heart to have played a role in his life like this when he has truly sacrificed so much for this country and our family. We did this with grace, peace, and faith all while honoring are values and beliefs and I get to be full on with my business again. Yippeee!!

Here’s to more writing, increasing my audience, more makeup artistry gigs, and creating wonderful coaching packages for multi-passionate women of faith who are looking to operate in a more authentic and purposeful life and business. Your soulpurpose is waiting on you to show up lady!!!

I wonder sometimes because these situations are always matters of the heart. What if I would have had an attitude? What it I wouldn’t have had a gracious giving heart in the area of my time and talent with the willingness to put my desires on hold for a time and maturely and creatively create boundaries around how to move forward? What If I had to go through this lesson all over again?

I just thank God that he blessed us with the wisdom to navigate this difficult time and that he brought us out stronger than ever. You know what I’m reminded that it was God’s time, God’s talent and I let him use me as he saw fit. That was the beauty in all of this. Check out my 10-Day Now…That’s a Beautiful You Mindset Makeover Charge!

What Purity Has To Do With Your Why

What Purity Has To Do With Your Why

As heart-centered entrepreneurs it is so important that we operate from a heart and soul place. I don’t think we’d prefer business any other way. That means being pure about your intentions and how you plan to help people in your business.  The purity piece is about

– coming to terms with purely accepting who you are

– making the connection between your desires and what you love to do

– understanding how it translates into serving others

– building a business that is unique to you

 What Purity Has To Do With Your Why

Who you are, your desires and intention to serve all have to create this pure connection for it to make sense. I say this because people create things that they think people will like instead of creating from the center of their God-given talents and heart’s desire to solve problems for their ideal clients. 

There’s a stripping away that happens to you as you begin to search your heart and your purpose. It’s no longer about your titles or what others think you should be doing. It’s about who you are and what you stand for. This stripping away can be intentional or forced. I invite you to be intentional about it.

That heart-centered desire  has so much to do with your why and the kind of impact you want to make in others lives. Your why and the impact you want to make are deeply related to your God-given talents and skills.

Get my 3 Free Mindset and Business Success Truths

Vulnerability in Relationships and Business is the Same

Vulnerability in Relationships and Business is the Same

Do you ever feel vulnerable in your relationship?

Can we be vulnerable intentionally or does this happen on accident?

I think sometimes we find ourselves in a vulnerable position where it’s time to be honest or open about the way we feel and we weren’t necessarily ready for it. Vulnerability for some can seem like something that pops up in an unexpected moments and oops..your faced with the icky word and feeling “vulnerable”. I used to hate this feeling. Feeling vulnerable in front of other people meant I wasn’t prepared, I was being sensitive, and that I was weak! Feeling vulnerable also meant there the was the open possibility for others to hurt me or take advantage of me. I know now that:

Vulnerability doesn’t equal I’m about to get hurt.

That’s what vulnerable used to mean to me. I looked at it as, “OMG, things are getting scary and I’m liable to get hurt” Let’s take a look at business…

Cause, If this is how you view your relationships, when it comes to business, then guess what you will view it the same way.

Vulnerability in Relationships and Business is the Same

When we look at business we can think the same, “OMG, things are getting scary and I’m about to fail” How’s that for feeling vulnerable in business. No one likes the idea of failure and that can make us feel very vulnerable. How do I show up for the next venture? What will others think of me?

We are taking the position of fear. In this mindset you are looking at your situation from a standpoint of fear, run, flight, dodge get out of the way.

Well…I want you to start looking at your relationships differently. Show up ready to be vulnerable (not allowing the vulnerability to happen to you in the form of fear) but in the form of simple expression chosen by you.  what would happen if you said,” ok I’m going to chose to be vulnerable today let me share with this person how they make me feel so we can come to a solution.”?

In business its the same. Show up ready to ask your ideal clients what they need from you, ready to share lessons learned so they can see the solutions that you provide and you can figure out what it is that they need.

I’m here to tell you that it’s ok to be vulnerable in business. You will have failures, you will try new things and they all wont work. But if you never try you new know! I cant live a life not knowing. I chose not to live a life not knowing!

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