
Should a Christian Ask their higher self?

Business Mindset

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Gal 1:12 I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it; rather, I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ.

According to Christianity Today there are official High Level Business Conferences where more than 500 business people come to unleash their inner power. Doesn’t that sound amazing? We all have an inner power but what do we attribute it to?

There are high level coaches and consultants who teach this process of the ideal self. Visualize the woman you see and ask her questions. Tune into her each day they say, because she is already where who you desire to be and she has all the answers.


Yes, seriously and I’m not judging because I used to swallow this up too. How neat is it that I can tune into myself for answers. I just need to meditate and listen and I will get the answers. I used to visualize my desires my goals everyday. And ask my “higher self” what is the fastest, quickest way to achieve this, and I’d sit and listen in for an answer. Sounds innocent enough, until I realized that this bred a form of self-reliance and seeking of truth independently of God.

There is nothing wrong with asking questions, there’s nothing wrong with tuning in. But as Christians we have to be clear WHO we are asking. The spiritual world is REAL ladies! When we start spending time asking ourselves core questions like:

What are my values?

What do I desire?

What do I really want out of my business?

And we start doing this with the guidance of a leader who doesn’t have the same core spiritual beliefs as a believer of Christ. We can open the door to spiritual adultery because we are engaging in these inquiries independently of The Holy Spirit.

Is there anything wrong with exploring your desires, your values, and visualizing what you want out of life? No there isn’t

But when these explorations become daily practices to achieve what we want in life, they become a formula to making our desires a reality, we have missed an important step, the most important piece to the puzzle and that is Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit guides us and leads us. The Higher Self is a substitution for the Holy Spirit. That’s just what it is, let’s keep it real for the believers out there. Let’s not get bogged and clouded by jargon. We know the enemy is a counterfeit.

I had to take a hard look at how I was partnering with GOD in my business. Was I handing things over to Him? Was I surrendering my desires and allowing God to deposit his desires in my heart.I started looking at how I wasn’t aligned with the God I served! And that began with one simple question that my husband asked me.

What if your business is only meant to make $35,000 a year? He threw out a low number to combat with my “six figure desire”. Do you know what I said to him about my calling and my purpose to serve as a Soul-Branding Alignment Strategist for High Achieving Women of Faith…I’m almost ashamed to say….

“Then what would be the point?”  What!?


What did I mean…”what would be the point”? What would be the point of my clients:

  • experiencing massive clarity around their purpose
  • showing up and walking fully in their purpose
  • getting visible with their calling and giving honor to God at the same time
  • finding their voices and identifying their unique gifts
  • freeing expressing themselves without shame and guilt
  • balancing out family and business and getting things accomplished
  • financial breakthroughs in their business that look like 4-figure months
  • finally clearing false beliefs about God when it comes to success and money

That’s when I knew I was disconnected from God’s desires,

I was heavily focused on my own…

I was self-reliant…

I had to shift in what I desired and I had to present my desires before God so he could show me if they were aligned. I had to ask the hard questions that not many people in the industry are going to tell you to ask.

  • Are my core values lined up with God
  • Is my relationship with God my important than my desires
  • Can I release MY core values and focus on God
  • Is a relationship with God MY greatest desire over the things in this world
  • If I let go of MY desires is God enough, is my salvation enough for me to be ecstatic about this lifetime

Today, I can say if I made $35,000 a year doing this kind of work, helping women shift and bring glory to God’s name, I am simply honored to be a vessel used by God to bring about these kinds of results, I am satisfied and I am content and in awe to co-partner with Christ!

Ask yourself these questions above and if you’re heart can’t genuinely be in agreement….then I invite you to the Spirit Driven Success Circle!!! And yes I mean Holy Spirit Driven Success. This Intimate 12 week coaching experience for high achieving Womenpreneurs of faith who are ready to up-level in their business and they know a mindset shift is necessary. You’ve already worked with a handful of clients and you have an audience. You’ve tried all the strategies from email marketing, funnels, opt-ins and you still haven’t seen a shift. This program is one where you get to dive in to the roots of your misconceptions about God and your business, overcome money mindset stories, shift your perspective on success and money. This program is not for newbies in business. If you are a new to monetizing your gifts and talents and you still need help with message clarity and increasing your visibility then take a look at the Soulful Business Alignment Mastermind (We only have 3 spots left)


Reference: https://www.christianitytoday.com

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Justina Ford


Justina holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, a Master’s in Human Service Counseling focused in Business, and additional training in the Emotional Freedom Technique and Splankna Therapy. She is an Amazon #1 International Best-Selling Author, Huffington Post Contributor and Contributing Author of Notes to Younger Women. She also serves as a Commercial Makeup Artist to Professional Photographers, Marketing and Advertising Teams. She is an intuitive business coach and Christian energy healer. She calls herself The Soul-Purpose Alignment Strategist. She helps new and aspiring Christian Coaches and service based Mompreneurs to overcome limiting beliefs surrounding their purpose and their call to create in the marketplace.

Click HERE to schedule a complimentary clarity session with her. 

You can also find her in her Facebook Group The Purposeful Pursuit to a Beautiful You

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Please Note: I do not provide the services of a licensed physician, or licensed counselor, information received should not be seen as medical or mental health advice and is not meant to take the place of seeing licensed health professionals.

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