
How to Position Your Website to Stand Out and Get Noticed

Business Mindset, Visibility Mindset and Strategy

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I was so excited to find out that my blog made the 10 best coach website designs for 2020! Of course this poses the question of how is that possible? Read on to find out my top 5 tips for how to position your website to stand out and get noticed.


If you want to stand out, first and foremost it is important to have a website that speaks to your brand and message. This gives those searching for services and products and who like what you offer the ability to even find you in the first place. They will be able to see, read, and experience you. Thi will all aid in if they want to do business with you, or not. Keep in mind that behind your website should be a trusted website host. I use and highly recommend BlueHost.

Now let’s talk about making your website stand out…


It’s pretty safe to say that a great menu structure can save even the most confusing looking website (although confusing is not what you want). When your menu is structured in a way that is easy to see and navigate, you will more than likely experience more clicks and longer visit rates.

Some may say that you want to keep your menu short and sweet; however, I actually have 8 tabs which all clearly define what you can find on my website. I don’t want anything hidden, rather than showing visitors all I have to offer up front.


Color is everything, and typically this can be the hardest thing to decide on. I recommend looking at different color palettes and going with what resonates with you. If you like pastels, go pastel. If you like poppy colors, go poppy!

It is totally up to you the color scheme that you choose, but be sure to stay true to your personality and don’t deviate! Color should just as importantly speak to your ideal clients and potential customers. It should tell a story and be the voice for your brand. 


If you want people to get a personal feel for you when they visit your website, use more images of yourself than others. Show people your personality, style, and character by letting them see you. This will take a small investment in getting some professional pictures taken, but it is worth it.

Once you have your pictures, position them on several different pages and in strategic places. I typically go for the top left of pages and occasionally in the margins.


Positioning your call to action is super important, especially if you want people to actually take advantage of what you have to offer. The worst thing you can do is send people on a wild goose chase to connect with you. And don’t think you can have too many calls to action.

You’ll notice a call to action on every single one of my pages, blog posts, and in the margin. Why? Simply put, I want to clearly communicate that I am ready and willing to work with them. I do not want to be shy about my services, let alone hide them!


A clean design may be a matter of perspective, but outside looking in, a clean design is one that is clutter-free, bright-colored, and free from too many distractions. Think whitespace, minimal designs, and good scrolling animations. These designs are easy on the eyes, making it easy to read and navigate. We used Divi Theme for our site and our customer sites!!

In essence, having a website is a must. Creating it with a design that helps it stand out and get noticed is a necessity. However, behind any great website is a soulful brand strategy that aids the design, structure, and purpose of the website. Want support building a website with a clean design, clear call to actions, great images, aligned color scheme and relevant menu structure? Book a discovery call with us and I’ll be totally honest on if you’re ready to invest in a website at this time or not!!

Justina Ford


Justina holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, a Master’s in Human Service Counseling focused in Business, and additional training in the Emotional Freedom Technique and Splankna Therapy. She is an Amazon #1 International Best-Selling Author, Huffington Post Contributor and Contributing Author of Notes to Younger Women. She also serves as a Commercial Makeup Artist to Professional Photographers, Marketing and Advertising Teams. She is an intuitive business coach and Christian energy healer. She calls herself The Soul-Purpose Alignment Strategist. She helps new and aspiring Christian Coaches and service based Mompreneurs to overcome limiting beliefs surrounding their purpose and their call to create in the marketplace.

You can also find her in her Facebook Group The Purposeful Pursuit to a Beautiful You


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