
The Importance of Delighting Ourselves in Christ: For the Entrepreneurial Woman

Business Mindset, Spirituality

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Delighting ourselves in Christ may not seem easy, but it can be. Keep reading to find out why it’s important and how to adopt this mindset as a Christian entrepreneurial woman.

Psalm 37:4-5 KJV that says, Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.

I remember a time in my life when I was struggling, I was lost and I wondered, “God what is my purpose. But I remember the scripture above. That scripture told me to delight myself in God and that he would give me the desires of my heart. At that time, my one desire was to know my purpose in the midst of being wife and mom.

When I thought about the word delight I really began to wonder how does this show up in my life?I’m a real world practical applications kind of girl. It’s ironic that I lead with mindset and spirituality in my business.But I think it’s like that only because I used to lead so heavily with that left side of my brain and I didn’t get very far that way.

The Importance of Delighting Ourselves in Christ: For the Entrepreneurial Woman

So what does delight look like practically?

I”m a words kinda girl and I love looking up a good definition and really breaking down the meaning. 

Delight: please greatly, charm, enchant, captivate, entrance, thrill; gladden, gratify, appeal to; entertain, amuse, divert; tickle pink, bowl over“her manners delighted him”

It means to find peace and fulfillment in the lord.

This gets me to thinking…What about when you walk around feeling upset because you didn’t close the next sale, or when you post and no one looks at it?

Are we really delighting ourselves with peace and fulfillment in Him?

I know for a fact that God will give you the desires of your heart, which I know is a thriving profiting business where you can travel and have flexibility in your life.

You want to make an impact and leave a legacy for those you care about.

However, God cares more about your peace and fulfillment in Him over any desire of the heart.

This is one of the key steps to manifesting a life and business that you love. Receiving the desires of your heart is the essence of manifestation. God plants the desires and he brings them about when our hearts are right in Him.

Delighting ourselves in christ, cont.

When I hit brick walls, and I take time to reflect I usually find that:

  1. My gratitude meter is way off
  2. I’m being ungrateful for what I already have
  3. I’m looking at things from a natural mind
  4. My expectations are off

God has given us a foundational step to manifestation that gets overlooked all the time.

Here are some practical ways that I have delighted myself in the Lord in the past:

1.Joined the worship team at my church: and this wasn’t to do it just because it was the action to do. But I know God has given me the gift of voice and to use that gift unto him brings me peace and fulfillment unto me. It’s not about being seen, being in the group, but about using a gift and talent for his glory. Which is also being done in my home.

2. I’ve volunteered as a homeschool consultant: This was a field where I was giving back to my local community. There are no words to explain how much gratitude families show when you help them to learn how to educate their own children. My leadership skills and creativity skills in organization and planning are put the use here. I love when we honor God through education. It’s beautiful.

3. I’ve joined my praise dance team: Free dance and movement connects us to the spirit and freedom in God. You may think these activities are counter-intuitive to what you really want in life and that they take away from what you should be really doing. But God sees the heart and he looking to see where we are willing to keep him first above all things.

Final Thoughts about delighting ourselves in christ

I’m not suggesting you join a dance team, choir, or volunteer as a homeschool consultant. I am however saying to pay attention to your natural gifting and delight yourself in Christ with them. Pick something as simple as song and worship every morning for 15 mins before you leave the house. Honoring that this is YOUR time with God and dont allow people to interrupt.

If you enjoyed this article I know you would enjoy my new Delight & Desires Masterclass. You’ll learn how to connect with your calling to thrive in the marketplace.

Justina Ford


Justina holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, a Master’s in Human Service Counseling focused in Business, and additional training in the Emotional Freedom Technique and Splankna Therapy. She is an Amazon #1 International Best-Selling Author, Huffington Post Contributor and Contributing Author of Notes to Younger Women. She also serves as a Commercial Makeup Artist to Professional Photographers, Marketing and Advertising Teams. She is an intuitive business coach and Christian energy healer. She calls herself The Soul-Purpose Alignment Strategist. She helps new and aspiring Christian Coaches and service based Mompreneurs to overcome limiting beliefs surrounding their purpose and their call to create in the marketplace.

You can also find her in her Facebook Group The Purposeful Pursuit to a Beautiful You


  1. Deryn

    I just LOVE your ‘free dance and movement connect us to the spirit and freedom in God’that is just what I feel, my church does not practice this, but I do go to country dancing on a Friday evening, it is so liberating to move to music and enjoy the patterns and movements of the dance. I never had seen that as delighting myself in the Lord, now I do! I have found the greatest satisfaction when using my natural gifts but had not realized that was also delighting myself in the Lord!

    • justinaf

      I’m so glad you are discovering new ways to intentionally and purposefully delight yourself in Christ. Dance can be done in a spiritual uplifting way or in a carnal worldly way. As long as your intentions are focused on Him, his holiness, and his goodness while dancing, I think you’re on the right track.

  2. Joyce

    Beautiful!This is a great reminder of staying focused on God in my life and purpose for my business. This really Touched my heart and reminded me of the importance of staying connected with Him in every area of our lives. Showing gratitude is a form of praise for me and helps me to stay grounded and to appreciate all He Has done for me and is doing. God is amazing and there is so much we can do to show our gratefulness.

    • justinaf

      I’m so glad that this touched your heart. Extreme gratitude is so important. I know I have a tendency to focus on what needs to be done rather than what has already been done. I definitely have to keep a gratitude journal



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