
4 Ways to Get Clarity on Your Business Pillars

Business Mindset, Visibility Mindset and Strategy

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When I speak of getting clarity on your business pillars, this is the same thing as saying creating content pillars. These are similar because when it comes to knowing what you will offer your customers and clients, you’ll want to come across crystal clear. This clarity will also come in handy when it’s time to promote your services. Below are practical ways to get the clarity you need so you can confidently identify your business (or content) pillars.

Ways to get clarity on your business pillars

Ways to Get Clarity on Your Business Pillars

Begin with why you started your business in the first place.

You started your business for a reason and most likely it was to provide a solution, educate, train, etc your ideal client in some form or fashion. Did you start to help stay-at-home moms successfully launch a signature course? Are you looking to help other women in business create content that will grow their business? Or, did you start your coach company to help business owners in a particular niche? Whatever the reasons, it is here where you’ll begin to identify the what concerning your business pillars.

Narrow down your focus to a few key things.

It’s easy to come up with five to ten ways you’d like to serve or create in your business. However, how much of that are you truly willing to invest your time into. Your primary focus may start with a signature course then branch into an inner circle coaching call, mini sessions, or one-on-one containers. Before you jump into selling, you want to have a foundation and clear pillars to how you want to filter content through your business. But first, you need to brainstorm according to your ability to follow through with what you want to put out.

Decide how many pillars your business will stand on.

Here’s an example of what I mean by different pillars. A labor and birth coach may focus on nutrition during pregnancy, postpartum care, and exercise through pregnancy. Another labor and delivery coach may focus more on self-care during pregnancy, emotional stability during labor, and post-partum care. These are different pillars that distinguish from their overall expertise in helping moms through the labor and birthing process. One is choosing to maximize her potential to help by not only creating content around her primary pillars nutrition, exercise, and postpartum care, but also creating services around those pillars also. 

Identify your business pillars.

Although you’ll be writing these down, they are not something you’ll need to stay married to. As you evolve, your business will evolve as well. Pay attention to the shifts that occur and be open to moving with those, especially if they pave the way to help you better serve your clients. If you haven’t done so already, grab a piece of paper and start with the first suggestion. Then, when you get to this step, write the words “My Business Pillars” across the top of the paper. Start writing down your pillars. These will be similar to an umbrella or the overall solutions you want to offer, pain points your clients deal with, and your personal expertise. Beneath them, you can then go into more detail with the themes and services you’ll focus on..

Here’s an example:

The structure my business is built on is Intuitive Business Coaching and Healing. The pillars that hold this structure up are mindset, messaging, manifesting. Even more, fleshed out they look like this:

  • Healing & Manifesting God’s Way
  • Brand Messsaging & Positioning
  • Visibility Mindset
  • Sales and Money Mindset
  • Beauty and Presence

Now beneath these pillars are a variety of self-paced courses, live courses with inner circle coaching calls, one-on-one containers, a training vault, and downloadable resources that fall under coaching, certification, brand agency services, beauty agency services, and book publishing. But it all begins with your brand pillars, and also starting with one service and growing into the others.

Final Thoughts

The sole purpose of getting clarity on your business pillars is so you can confidently talk about the value of what you have to offer people. You’ll also be able to better connect with your ideal customer and client. And, your marketing message will be elevated. If this is something you’d like to get help with, I’d love to connect and work with you! Whether you want one-on-one coaching or to join the next inner circle group coaching program, I will help you get the clarity you need to move your business forward.

Justina Ford


Justina holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, a Master’s in Human Service Counseling focused in Business, and additional training in the Emotional Freedom Technique and Splankna Therapy. She is an Amazon #1 International Best-Selling Author, Huffington Post Contributor and Contributing Author of Notes to Younger Women. She also serves as a Commercial Makeup Artist to Professional Photographers, Marketing and Advertising Teams. She is an intuitive business coach and Christian energy healer. She calls herself The Soul-Purpose Alignment Strategist. She helps new and aspiring Christian Coaches and service based Mompreneurs to overcome limiting beliefs surrounding their purpose and their call to create in the marketplace.

You can also find her in her Facebook Group The Purposeful Pursuit to a Beautiful You


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Ways to get clarity on your business pillars
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