
4 Ways to Get Aligned with God in Your Business

Mindset To Manifest, PODCAST, Spirituality

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If there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s the need to get aligned with God in your business. Without His alignment, you’ll find yourself believing the lies that you need to hustle, be overworked, and possibly underpaid. When you’re aligned with God, you’ll be able to dodge the traps of the world much easier than not. Let’s chat about several ways you can get in alignment with God and find peace, clarity, and stability in your business.

Four ways to get aligned with God in your business.

My Personal journey with getting aligned with god

I remember when I first entered this online business world. It was a confusing place. I was just a girl who wanted to transition from driving over an hour to my professional makeup jobs to being an online mindset & visibility coach. This would give me the ability to spend more time with my family.

At the same time, I knew I was a pretty good coach. I had been doing a form of mindset, clarity, and visibility coaching for mompreneurs for a long time. But, I still had doubts.

my doubts exposed

I want to share pieces of my personal journey so (1) you don’t feel like you’re the only one who has ever navigated this season, and (2) to let you know that I’m human! In 2016, these are some of the ways I was feeling:

  • Who would ever hire me to coach them?
  • Other women had it figured out and I didn’t have a clue.
  • I joined spiritual groups trying to grasp the concept of spirituality in business.
  • Tempted to pick a virtual tarot card.
  • I let a lady remote muscle test so me so I could get some inspiration about what I should be doing next in my business.
  • I was thinking law of attraction was what I was missing.

These may not seem like big issues, but none of it was true. Most importantly, none of it lined up with God and His Word. I honestly just wanted someone to give me guidance and tell me what to do! I hired 4 coaches, and 2 mentors/trainers.

This led me to spend over $20,000 on my own coaching and development, and I still came back to my center – Jesus Christ.

what I’ve learned along the way

I figured out what new age was and when a person says they are spiritual it doesn’t mean they have the same belief as me. I realized guidance from a coach is just that.. guidance. The truth is that I’m actually the owner and chief coach of my life and business. That means I get to make the final decision.

When it came to the Law of Attraction, I realized it was something that treated God like a Genie. Simply put, He is not! I learned that God actually wanted to have a real relationship with me. This relationship wouldn’t be one where I only spend time with Him when it’s time to focus and visualize what I want.

I learned that there are subconscious beliefs that hold us back and that the enemy has a whole lot to do with that. The enemy wants to hinder our calling and our influence in this world. Speaking of which, I learned that our calling is greater than entrepreneurship. It’s so much deeper than that.

We are called to be like Christ and to give thanks no matter the circumstance! God gives provision for his vision and when we get aligned with his purpose and plan, things click! 

i had a clue… and so do you!

I’ve had amazing clients in my coaching business since 2015, and guess what? I actually had a clue all along and had been doing something right all along and I just didn’t trust it! I didn’t trust myself.  

And so do you. You have a clue. You have a clue on how you’re supposed to show up, how you want to serve, the rates you really want to charge, and the impact you want to create. It’s already ringing true on the inside of you! 

And when you coach with me, I help pull that clue out of you. Each and every time I’m going to point you back to looking within, looking toward Jesus the ultimate Creator. I do this because the Holy Spirit is your ultimate coach.

4 Ways to Get Aligned with God in Your Business

Stand in the truth of who you are.

The more you step out and make yourself known to the outside world, the more you’ll be bombarded with hundreds, even thousands, of others doing the same thing you are. In these moments, it will be tempting to become someone you’re not in order to reach your goals or a false representation of them. Get and stay aligned by being authentically you, no matter what.

walk in the confidence that god will never leave you.

This piece involves knowing, believing, and trusting that God is who He says He is. No matter what you’re going through or navigating in life (or business), He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. You have to walk in the confidence of knowing that He has good, prosperous plans for you.

learn how to release the past.

I believe this is an ongoing step because things that happen in the present will eventually become part of your past. If something has hurt you or cause some type of negative emotion, not knowing how to deal with it can drastically affect your future. Most people are not equipped to deal with this type of mindset work; however, this is partly where I come in!

Renew your mind and heart to operate at a higher level.

I don’t mean to sound “New Age-y,” but God’s thoughts and ways are higher than ours. This doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t strive to operate at a higher level of ourselves. In fact, this involves renewing your mind and heart to operate at a level that is focused and in tune with what God says about you. This type of alignment will give you the utmost confidence to show up as your true, authentic self.

Mindset work with me… IT gets deep!

We unpacked a lot in this post, but I’d like to end it with an invitation to work with me. I don’t want you to continue navigating your personal and business life not being clear on your vision, mission, and goals. I would love to come alongside you, link arms, and unlock your true potential and alignment with God.

There are several ways to connect with me. Join my upcoming Mindset to Manifest Your Signature Service 5-day challenge to get clear on a high-ticket service to offer your ideal client. Consider becoming a Certified Christian Coach in my Soulfully Aligned Institute. You can also get mentored by me personally!

Justina Ford


Justina holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, a Master’s in Human Service Counseling focused in Business, and additional training in the Emotional Freedom Technique and Splankna Therapy. She is an Amazon #1 International Best-Selling Author, Huffington Post Contributor and Contributing Author of Notes to Younger Women. She also serves as a Commercial Makeup Artist to Professional Photographers, Marketing and Advertising Teams. She is an intuitive business coach and Christian energy healer. She calls herself The Soul-Purpose Alignment Strategist. She helps new and aspiring Christian Coaches and service based Mompreneurs to overcome limiting beliefs surrounding their purpose and their call to create in the marketplace.

You can also find her in her Facebook Group The Purposeful Pursuit to a Beautiful You


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Four ways to get aligned with God in your business.
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