
The Secret to Intuitively Tracking Your Systems to Implement in Your Business

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When it comes to intuitively tracking your systems to implement in your business, do you draw a blank? Get overwhelmed? Possibly even stress out a little bit? Being visible in your business means you have to be really clear about your purpose and your mission. Unfortunately, when we try to be strategic about it (titling a blog, launching a podcast, creating content for a mini-course, etc.), we sometimes draw a blank. Keep reading for one of my best-kept secrets to tracking your system and moving forward in your business.

The secret to intuitively tracking your systems to implement in your business.

What do I mean by “intuitively tracking your systems”?

The term intuitively tracking your system may sound new and intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. In a nutshell, every business has – or should have – a strategy to reach its defined goals and experience business success. This system is typically tied to a framework that can track the actions that will lead to the anticipated results. It becomes intuitive the moment you allow yourself to move on intuition. If you are a business coach, one of your top goals is to most likely see transformation in your clients and/or their business. Your intuitive and strategic formula is how they will get there.

In another example… Let’s say you are trying to properly define your mini-course. Your ability to track your system will help you use the content you’ve created to come up with the best possible title for it. The question now becomes, “How do I intuitively track my system and build a strategic formula?”

3 Ways to Intuitively Tracking Your Systems

First, let’s clear the record. Oftentimes we think we have to start from a place of knowing our system when sometimes it comes intuitively. So, I’d like to teach you a little “secret” to going back and being able to track the value that you are giving and to be able to track your own systems that you can begin to implement inside of your own business.

Think about your gifting.

God has placed a gifting inside of every single person He creates. All we have to do is be aware of it and tap into it! What are some of the things you are currently doing that come naturally? Do you like to talk, write, create services to help others, etc.? You’re most likely already implementing these within your business practices without much effort. However, because they come so naturally to you, I doubt you’re seeing them as a trustworthy piece that can be used to develop your own intuitive system.

Be aware of your gifting.

One way to be aware of the gifts God has placed in you is to freely go live and talk. By operating in the freedom to go live, you’re giving yourself the opportunity to show up and share value. You may not realize it at the time, but when you feel inspired to share a help piece with the world, you have then put yourself into a place of increased value. You are subconsciously telling people, “Hey, you can trust me because I want to help you.” You’re also tapping into your ability to create a unique system that can be used to further grow your business.

Use the value of your gifting.

Once you’ve begun putting yourself out there, especially by going live, you then have content that you can backtrack over to come up with your ideal system to implement in your business. In my most recent podcast episode, I shared part of a live coaching session where I helped a client identify over 10 blog post titles alone solely based on one of the times she went live (and I just so happened to tune in). In the matter of her talking just a few minutes, I was able to pull a variety of things that could be the start of blog posts, mini-courses, ebooks, and more.

The “Secret” to Tracking Your System Exposed

By now, you’ve probably noticed that this isn’t much of a secret at all. The truth of the matter is, most people are not told that they already possess everything they need to create and implement their own systems. I admit that I didn’t know this upfront either. I had always wondered how people came up with their titles, programs, or services, such as “5 Secrets to ______” or “3 Ways to Overcome ______.” And the secret is, they tracked it from their own previously created content.

As you get ideas, write them down. When you go live, go back and listen to yourself and take notes. If you’re writing a blog post, save the title for last, and even then, go back through it and identify a process or system that you’ve subconsciously created. It’s all there… created by you, for you to implement in your business. You already have everything you need for creating systems that will be used by your clients.

Listen to this week’s Soulfully Aligned You, episode 16: Live Coaching Part 2: Intuitively Tracking Your Formula when giving value for coaches!! here.

Justina Ford


Justina holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, a Master’s in Human Service Counseling focused in Business, and additional training in the Emotional Freedom Technique and Splankna Therapy. She is an Amazon #1 International Best-Selling Author, Huffington Post Contributor and Contributing Author of Notes to Younger Women. She also serves as a Commercial Makeup Artist to Professional Photographers, Marketing and Advertising Teams. She is an intuitive business coach and Christian energy healer. She calls herself The Soul-Purpose Alignment Strategist. She helps new and aspiring Christian Coaches and service based Mompreneurs to overcome limiting beliefs surrounding their purpose and their call to create in the marketplace.

You can also find her in her Facebook Group The Purposeful Pursuit to a Beautiful You


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The secret to intuitively tracking your systems to implement in your business.
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