Aligning Your Beliefs with Your Actions Co-Partnered with Christ Step Into Faith-Fueled Subconscious Belief Mastery!
Hey Multi-Passionate High-Achieving Business Woman of God!
In this coaching program, we are allowing God to move without an outline, modules, pdf’s, none of the glitz and glam. It simply about His divine presence, energy psychology tools, inner healing tools, listening prayer, and faith in His outcome for you and your business.
My clients who have submitted to this process have had some of my best results to this date:
💎 Next Level Self-Trust & Belief
💎 Emotional Regulation of fear, stress, anxiety, etc
💎 True Forgiveness and Integration of Soul Parts
💎 Financial Blocks Healed, $5K, $20K, $100K releases
💎 Visibility Blocks Healed – New Territory Granted
💎 Mother & Father Wounds Healed
💎 Next Level Love and Intimacy in Marriage Achieved
💎 Actions that Yield God-Inspired Soul-Aligned Success

You already know the importance of mindset work
You’ve done quite a bit of your own mindset work
You’ve made great strides with the work you’ve done
You’ve made your own money, You’re pretty resilient and independent
You are the strong one, the one people come to lean on
But something has taken place to knock you off your feet
You’re so ready to scale your business and get to the next level
Then here comes a personal hurt, a business trauma, partners breaking away,
Past team members persecuting you, revisiting the ugly things people said about you, your success, your achievements, replaying scenarios in your head, and wondering if God is punishing you. Constantly wondering where you made mistakes in order to find yourself in this unfamiliar place.
Trauma from your youth is rearing its ugly head and burdening your success in the present
Feeling like your hitting a wall time and time again
You’re experiencing Self-sabotage where you get the win time and time again but something comes to snatch it away or steal the joy of it all
You’re ready for that next level in your business or career, but you’re finding yourself clogging your way through, stuck in your own thought patterns…
Beautiful woman of God, you need a safe and intimate space where you’re allowed to be vulnerable and honest about what’s really going on inside of you. Someone you can trust with your deepest wounds and deepest lies that you may not even know you’re still holding on to.
You need someone who’s a good listener, not a fixer, who will stop you and make you aware of the things you’ve said that you may not even realize is playing a role in you being stuck, silent, uninspired. You’re ready to scale your business or career and get to that next level
You’re Desperate for the deep work
You know you need it, there’s no question
And You know that the work starts in you!
This process isnt magic
It isn’t a formula
But It’s absolutely tailored to you!
So much so that every encounter is so different and so orchestrated by God
If we had to identify the formula it would be following the lead of the Holy Spirit, hearing those limiting beliefs, soul parts, lies, and vows that brew beneath the surface and bringing those to the forefront so we can tackle them head on with subconscious energy psychology tools, listening prayers, and spiritual warfare, It’s the best mix and match world of psychology, spirituality, theology, and business strategy that you can find!

We’re breaking away from religious spirits and on a spiritual level you realize you aren’t ready to scale to the real next-level work that you’re called to, that level requires that you reach deep so you’re able to hold space for the amount of clients, projects, and platforms that are coming your way!!
💎 You know the goodness of God
💎 You spend time in the word
💎 You pray
💎 You know his word on provision
💎 You know his word on blessings
💎 You know the promises
💎 You know it in your head
💎 You can quote scripture back and forth
💎 You’re doing all the things that you know to do
💎 You’ve literally exhausted all your efforts and for some reason
💎 Your success is not transferring over to your heart and your reality
All of His goodness, healing, blessing, and scaling for your life and business just isn’t manifesting for you.
You don’t realize that you are making decisions and coming to conclusions in your business based on the past events and experiences that have happened in your life
You’re still struggling with the Hustle Mentality
You’re still depending on Your Self for Results
You’re still straddling the fence on if God alone, without the business, the career, the title, and accolades is enough
There’s still a level of pride and ego that God wants to address in your life
And those negative thoughts, they just keep going back and forth in your mind
You know that double mind that the word speaks of…
You knowing in your head that you are enough now but somewhere deep down inside you’re having these subconscious thoughts that really means you aren’t feeling worthy of the blessings and promises that God had planned for you all along.
It’s time to get to the root, the foundation, the core of those lies and vows operating in your life
Here’s Secret #1
Most people are looking for a formula, a method, a strategy but you don’t need another one. Honestly, it’s just a band-aid, it’s just like Neosporin to make you feel better in the moment or in that season. It’s like cough medicine, dealing with the symptoms when you can actually get to the gut root problem..
And honestly, You’ve done all the funnels, brand strategy, content creation and repurposing, email marketing, network marketing, personal development, long sales pages, you’ve gotten the raises, wrote the killer resumes, you’ve closed the contracts, you’ve sent the pay in full invoices, you mastered your interview skills
What you really need is god’s love, god’s faith, god’s mercy, god’s favor, his increased anointing, increased belief in God’s promises, and a heart & mindset that is ready to operate in truth
⏰ It’s time to sever the limiting beliefs
🔨 Break ties with the pain and trauma
🔨 Break the generational agreements
🩹 Heal the subconscious lies and vows
⛔ No more going back and forth
🚶♀️ Stepping one foot in and one foot out
⏰ It’s time to step fully into your promise land
You might be thinking you just need to spend more time with Jesus. You just need to spend even more time in His word, You just need to know his truth. You might be thinking your pain or this emotional rollercoaster is God’s way of punishing you.

Secret #2:
What God intends for good the enemy will put a twist on it. Have you identified those pieces in your life that were meant for Good that has been twisted to hold you back? The slither of lies that you may be allowing to operate in your life? My clients discover them all the time while doing this deep mindset work.
Secret #3:
There’s a difference between knowing God’s word on a conscious level and getting to the root of the mini traumas, lies, vows, and generational agreements that you’ve built up along the way. God has allowed me to co-partner alongside you and him on this journey to healing the subconscious limiting belief, lies, vows, and generational agreements that you aren’t able to identify on your own.
Let’s work together to step into a deeper understanding, a deeper intricacy, and intimacy with God, a deeper knowledge and experience of him. Understanding that he has wired every little thing in your life.
There is more to this God who you have known your whole life and there’s more intimacy that you can have with him. Every area including your life and business depends on this intimate connection. Remember always that God cares more about the healing of your soul than the success of your life, business, or career. Your soul matters first. This is why you have to get Soulfully Aligned!
If you happen to be that Christian woman leader who has settled for the surface because you were born again, you had all the prerequisites, the work we do together will rock your world. Let’s learn to recognize God’s perspective vs the enemy’s tactics. You’ll begin to hear from God like never before, get clear direction, healing for your hurts, wisdom, and insight into how to reignite your business, confidence to be seen, and become visible with the purpose for the message he has placed in your heart. There’s infinite access to the Father.
It happens every time for my clients! The work we do together will unlock a deeper level of detail, intimacy, understanding that God is in every move and decision. There are no coincidences that you are here! Reading this page. I pray for every woman that God desires to bring on this coaching and healing journey with me. I pray that you hear from the Holy Spirit and that you choose to move forward with this deep level of mindset shifting and deep healing work when you are truly ready to not only steward the vision but take massive action and energy toward your passion.

But this service/program is not available to everyone!!
If you don’t already have a foundational grasp on marketing, sales, copy, content creation, you will need to purchase a business strategy add-on. If You don’t have a signature program, if you haven’t signed your first set of clients, if you’ve never leveraged your own content for sales, I have a business strategy add-on option just for you…so feel free to reach out to me for that one!
This stand alone program is only available to online coaches, copywriters, speakers, authors, and any other online service based women in business who have been totally working their butts off in business.
That means you invested in marketing and business coaching, you know exactly what you’re supposed to be doing in your business. You know you don’t need more coaching cause you still have the resources, programs and courses sitting on your computer.
You know you’re tired of bringing in bare minimum. You’re tired of the disconnect in business. The constant break in energy around your love for what you do. Tired of low-balling yourself just to get the sale, tired of the lack of balance between work and family. You know you need something deeper to shift you internally.
And no im not talking a general mindset shift, I’m talking a subconscious mindset shift at the DNA Level. That means aligning your mind body and soul with the unexpected will of God that was meant for your life! He has the plan to prosper you😍
The 1:1 Private Program Investment is $5,000.00
Book your discovery session below and so we can dig deep and get to the core of the limiting beliefs and internal blocks effecting your life and business.
Not Quite Ready for 1:1 Private Coaching?
Click Here to Learn Want to Know More About My Mindset Mastery Inner Circle for $197

Before I started working with Justina I’d had enough of ‘getting by’ and making the bare minimum from my business. I’d taken all the typical business action (marketing strategies, business coaching) but knew I needed something deeper to shift whatever internal obstacles were getting in my way. I signed-up to Justina hoping she could shift some general mindset issues around being in business and throw in some strategy along the way… What I got from Justina was deep inner healing and personal transformation across every area of my life!
Through our time together, Justina allowed me to access long forgotten hurts and tackle subconscious lies I had carried with me since childhood. I’ve been able to let go of painful emotions that were seeping into the way I not only did business but, showed up in the world in general. The most powerful part, Justina’s sessions were so spirit-led I was often left in tears of joy and relief having unearthed life-changing revelations I could never have accessed on my own. To top it off – I finally secured dream clients at the dream rate I’d so longed to achieve. I tripled my prices and had my first £5k month!
For anyone unsure whether to sign-up with Justina, ask yourself: are you ready to move forward in your life and embrace the unexpected God will reveal to you? Working with a coach can feel like a gamble, especially if you’ve invested elsewhere before and not see a return (that was me!). But Justina has been a win I will treasure for a lifetime.

Meet Your Intuitive Busines Coach & Mind Body Practitioner

Justina Ford
Coach & Speaker Bio:
Justina is a #1 Amazon International Best Selling Author, Busness Mindset and Strategy Coach, Motivational Speaker, Internationally Published and Awarded Makeup Artist, and creator of the proprietary blueprint Strategic Purpose Flow. She developed a business from her heart and soul that has allowed her to mentor dozens of women, get paid to speak and share her story, expertise, and truth. She celebrate her first 5-figure launch and built a business with the flexibility to homeschool her three children. Most importantly she’s watched her Strategic Purpose Flow Blueprint help her clients build the mindset, clarity and visiblity they needed that has allowed them to create signature programs, triple their sales, get their retail product in local stores, launch biz from their heart and soul, and sign $30K-$130K contracts in their own business. .
Justina is a Jesus lover, army veteran spouse, homeschooling mom, volunteer cheer coach, football mom, vocalist at her church, and a Savannah Sunshine Girl.

Online Inner Healing Sessions
Justina also offers online inner healing sessions that operate under a combination of EFT, Direct Access, Prayer and Forgiveness. No muscle testing takes places with online sessions.
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