
Not ready for 1:1 Private Subconscious Mindset Work? Then join the Soulful Business Alignment Group Mastermind (with 2 calls)  just $197 a month!

Because you want to get past limiting beliefs and thoughts that keep you playing small and from living out your calling to the marketplace. When it comes to showing up in your businesses you want to do so boldly, confidently and courageously!! 

What are the types of beliefs we work through???

Are you new in business and mindset is hold you back?

-I don’t really have a clear idea of what I want

– Who am I to be Building This business right now?

-I don’t have the follow-through to succeed

-What will my friends and a family think?

-I don’t know if have anything meaningful to offer

-People don’t want to hear what I have to say

-People are not willing to pay for what I have to offer—it’s not valuable enough

-Can I really do this? 

Or Maybe You’ve Been In Business for Years and It Sounds More Like This?

*You’re Feeling stuck in your career, feeling like you don’t know what you’re doing, or how to get out of the rabbit hole. 

*You Want to release the pressure of what you used to put on yourself, But you still have no clue what you’re supposed to be doing in your already established business?

*You have a pretty good business model and still feel stuck or still cringe when people ask you what you do?

*You’ve built businesses and had success in your career but you’re in a place where you’re questioning what is next? 

There’s a deeper root to tapping into your confidence and your clarity around your brand message and brand positioning and I want to help you find it!! 

We work together on two group inner healing calls each month to clear these kinds of negative beliefs at a subconscious level!! 

Not only do you get access to a group inner healing session with me but you also get access to my exclusive soulful business foundation training vault if you are newer to business and need it!

2 Monthly Mastermind Inner Healing Call

You will be able to join two monthly inner healing sessions. These calls will focus on healing subconscious programming, limiting beliefs, and hidden emotions that cause one to self-sabotage desires and goals. Similar to what I do in the 1:1 program but in a mastermind group format.  

Private Facebook Community

If you thought the Multi-Passionate Woman of Faith Creating for Christ FB group was a supportive environment, wait til you join the private Soulful Business Alignment and Mindset Mastery Group Coaching FB Community! This will be a place to connect, grow relationships, get the support you desire, stay accountable and ask your questions! Enjoy support when I answer additional questions and concerns via Facebook live video.

Monthly Audio Lessons and Worksheets

Each month you’ll get access to monthly lessons related to you living out the most authentic version of yourself in life and business. The material I create is relevant to where you are at and what you are trying to achieve. As a member you have firsthand influence on the material I create and put out. You dictate how deep I go each month.

Exclusive Community Discounts

Members will be the FIRST to get your hands on my new freebies and content! Members get special discounts on my programs, courses, and products. Members will also have the opportunity to have their business spotlighted in my FB group with 400+ women, along with my email newsletter!!

Who The Mastermind is NOT for…

This Soulful Business Alignment Mindset Mastermind isn’t for everyone. This mastermind focuses on emotional freedom, healing our past so we can walk fully into our purpose. If you dont like silence, mind body & soul connection, and tuning into the holy spirit within, then please dont join us!

If you aren’t already on fire about the vision and your purpose to create don’t join us

If you do not believe that you are called to your soulful passions and desired service don’t join us

If you aren’t ready to create for the soul-clients that are waiting on you do not join us

If you are a women that is full of excuses please do not join us

If you aren’t ready for results don’t join us

However, if you are ready to dig deep, experience energetic shifts, begin serving your clients at a higher level and capacity…you can totally be a part of team #soulfullyaligned

Package Plan that Works for You

This is what my clients experience after taking the Course.

Ready to get started?

Have Questions?

Please Note: I do not provide the services of a licensed physician, or licensed counselor, information received should not be seen as medical or mental health advice and is not meant to take the place of seeing licensed health professionals.

951 E G Miles Parkway Hinesville GA 31313

+1 912-532-0953



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