
Inner Healing Sessions

Inner Healing Sessions

Splankna Therapy is the first Christian protocol for mind-body psychology.

Mind-body psychology utilizes the same system in the body that acupuncture and chiropractic are based on to alleviate emotional trauma that is physically stored. The Splankna Protocol helps the client identify where the body is holding different emotions related to root traumas.  This Is Accomplished By Combining Thought Field Therapy (TFT), EMDR, Neuro-Emotional Technique, Biblical Principles And Prayer With Muscle Testing.

Splankna Therapy combines body, soul and spirit in concert to resolve emotional trauma. When all three elements of the person are working together, the change is deep and lasting. Splankna attends to the way our bodies store emotions like frequencies. A simple combination of “touch and thought” allows the body to release these stored emotions, thus attending to the body and soul. When the stored trauma emotions behind a symptom are relieved, Splankna helps the client understand and remove the destructive vows and lies associated with those traumas. Body, Soul and Spirit.


Your Initial Consultation is Free! Come meet us in person and learn more.




What is Splankna?

Splankna is the first Christian-based energy psychology that focuses on subconscious healing of emotions stored in the body. Its developers have spent the last 18 years developing this protocol from a solid Biblical perspective. Everyone of us at some time or another has hurts, hang ups or habits that hijack our lives, relationships and freedom of choice, keeping us stuck or held captive.  Many times this hijacking occurs as a result of some past emotional circumstance or trauma, through which we’ve come to believe a lie about ourselves or how life and relationships work, leaving us debilitated or reacting in an unhelpful or unhealthy manner.


How does Splankna Work?

Splankna works by connecting with your body’s own emotional and pain relief mechanism to naturally release stored emotions and pain in our bodies originating from ordinary or traumatic events. Splankna is performed through a series of guided steps that work on the subconscious level to relieve this build up in the form of stored emotional charges. Upon release, the“fuel” behind a symptom is no longer present. This is further confirmation that God has created us perfectly and has provided a way to access and treat these subconsciously stored emotional charges through the Christian Mind-Body protocol of Splankna.


Splankna Applications

Splankna usage is diverse and can be helpful when applied to simple or complex emotional issues. As the Splankna Therapy Institute explains, “Splankna can help with an issue in as much as it is emotionally rooted.” So will it help your back pain? Possibly, it depends on the degree to which your back pain is emotionally rooted. Will it help with your anxiety? Possibly, it depends on the degree to which your anxiety is emotionally rooted.” Splankna can be used on men, women, and children of all ages.


Splankna Can Help With

  • Focusing Problems
  • Energy Levels
  • Anxiety
  • PTSD
  • Mental Clarity
  • Bitterness
  • Trust Issues
  • Anger Issues
  • Confidence
  • Self-Esteem
  • Employment Issues
  • Entrepreneurial Clarity

Online Inner Healing Sessions

Justina also offers online inner healing sessions that operate under a combination of EFT, Direct Access, Prayer and Forgiveness. No muscle testing takes places with online sessions.


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