
How to Confidently Be Visible Despite Spiritual Wounding

Visibility Mindset and Strategy

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Spiritual wounding isn’t a topic that is discussed too often in the world of being an entrepreneur. Most people may shrug it off as having nothing to do with being visible or business growth. Contrary to that belief, the truth is it has everything to do with it. Here’s why…

How to confidently be visible despite spiritual wounding.

What is spiritual wounding?

Spiritual wounding can take many forms. It can be wounds from the church, doctrine used as a weapon, or even parents who used spiritual matters inappropriately. Each of these examples, and those not mentioned, can (and often do) instill wounds that affect perceptions of how you see yourself.

These misperceptions then show up later in life through bad relationships, low self-esteem, procrastination, inability to fully pursue dreams, and more. That’s why it is important to identify with spiritual wounding could be hindering your creativity and ability to be fully visible in your business.

How to Confidently Be Visible Despite Spiritual Wounding

You may not always be able to readily identify when spiritual wounding is the culprit, but in most cases, it shows up and cripples you from being your best version of you. You may find yourself living in a clam shell, so to speak. It can also keep you silent and crippled when it comes to truly expressing yourself. Here are several ways to confidently be visible with your gifts despite spiritual wounding.

Tap into your childhood passions.

Think back to when you were a child. How did thinking about your passions back then make you feel? Like most kids, you were probably giggly, bubbly, and joyful at the thought of stepping into what you imagined. Remember what that felt like and allow yourself to feel those feelings again, especially in all its innocence.

Use your passion to spark creativity.

This suggestion can also go back to childhood, but more so with the idea of letting yourself be creative. Your God-given gifts and abilities have fully equipped you to do what you are called to do. Although spiritual wounding may try to get you side-tracked and judging yourself, be confident in knowing that God has equipped you and you have His creativity within you.

Work through the wounds openly.

Most people believe they have to be in solitude and quiet while working through any baggage and mess. The truth is you could impact and change many lives in the process of you bring open about your healing. Of course you don’t have to disclose every little detail and air out all your dirty laundry; however, there are times when it is absolutely appropriate to open. This may also help you heal much faster as well.

A woman breaking through spiritual wounds and being visible in her business.

Remember why you’re being visible.

On one hand, you’re being visible because you want to reach your ideal client. On the other hand, your focus should be on pleasing God and glorifying Him with your gifts. When these two things are the primary focus, you are more likely to not only show up, but do so in a confident way.

Resources to Help You Breakthrough Spiritual Wounding

There are many programs and services available today that promises you breakthrough. And while I’m not knocking any of those, I must admit that I’ve been given a special program from God that is meant to help you shift your beliefs and boost your brand visibility. I’ve been in the place of being on fire and wanting to share my passions with the world, yet crippled by spiritual wounds, past condemnations, and personal judgement.

That’s why I created the Boost Your Visibility program. You’ll learn how to communicate online to boost your visibility and confidently leverage complementary platforms to boost your visibility. (Jump on that waitlist now!)

To hear what this sounds like in action, check out my most recent podcast episode of Soulfully Aligned You. One of my past coaching clients, Prophetic Artist Deryn, shares how she has climbed out of her clamshell and now she sees how her current brand reflects her God-given childhood passions. 

Final Thoughts

Your past doesn’t have to continue identifying your present and future. Instead, it’s time to heal from it and leverage it in your business so you can confidently show up and reach your ideal clients. Use the suggestions mentioned above to get started doing just that. And in the meantime, jump on the Boost Your Visibility program waitlist and listen to podcast episode 18!

Justina Ford


Justina holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, a Master’s in Human Service Counseling focused in Business, and additional training in the Emotional Freedom Technique and Splankna Therapy. She is an Amazon #1 International Best-Selling Author, Huffington Post Contributor and Contributing Author of Notes to Younger Women. She also serves as a Commercial Makeup Artist to Professional Photographers, Marketing and Advertising Teams. She is an intuitive business coach and Christian energy healer. She calls herself The Soul-Purpose Alignment Strategist. She helps new and aspiring Christian Coaches and service based Mompreneurs to overcome limiting beliefs surrounding their purpose and their call to create in the marketplace.

You can also find her in her Facebook Group The Purposeful Pursuit to a Beautiful You


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How to confidently be visible despite spiritual wounding.
A woman breaking through spiritual wounds and being visible in her business.
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