Remember your clients can’t take advantage of your offering if they can’t find you, or if you blend in!!!
Visibility is about tapping into the value that you bring to the table. This program is not about growing your social media. It’s about getting in front of your ideal clients and being more visibility to them in the way you show up on focused platforms!
We’ll explore:

How to shift your beliefs around visibility

Gain clarity around ideal clients and offer value/messaging

How to utilize Facebook groups/events and client experiences for greater visibility!!

Tapping into complementary partners off and online
Here’s what Kathleen had to say:

When you’re getting started with a new coaching offer Being Visible to your ideal clients doesn’t take huge numbers! Just think about it.
If your monthly goal is $3K you can create a $3K coaching program and welcome 1 person a month. How many people do you need to talk to in order to close 12 sales in a year, creating consistent $3K months?
This is just one way to create consistent annual income. And it doesn’t require a large platform. The number of ideal clients you need to be visible to, drastically changes when you think about it this way!!
Stop making visibility about growing your social media platforms and make it about developing your own platform with content that draws in your ideal clients one by one!
When your core offers speak to the value your ideal clients are looking for and you house client experiences on 1 specific platform. That changes the game!! And this what Boost Your Visibility helps our clients with!
Here’s what Jaynel had to say:

What You’re Going To Learn

- Lesson 1: Mindset & Divine Flow to being Seen
- Lesson 2: Communication style and platforms
- Lesson 3: Strategic Facebook Strategies for Boosted Visibility
- Lesson 4: Leadership & Partnerships
- Bonus Service Structures for coaches
- BonusFB Group Growing strategies
- Bonus Branding Tips Workbooks
- 5 Q/A Replays
(When I coach one, I coach ALL! So you get access to all the juicy tips and clarifying questions you’ll need to ask yourself so you can stand out and be seen. Don’t skip the Q/A sections)
FB Group Support for You!
Here’s what Kara had to say:

Clarity is required before you can get targeted!! And we’re accomplishing just that.
One word from one of the participants about her experience
… in what exactly?
In her Brand Clarity and Brand Targeting for greater visibility.
I got you, extremely talented woman of faith!! It’s time for you to be more visible with your gift!!
Heart-Centered Women faith you can launch your online programs from an authentic place and boosting your visibility helps you get in front of the right people!

There Are Two Ways To Work With Me:
You can take advantage of the course and walk through the information yourself for $497, you also get the Bonus 5-Day Visibility Course Challenge ($147 value)
You can get access to the course and get a 2-hour Brand Clarity Breakthrough call with me for $997!
“I took advantage of the VIP session with Justina and I feel like I have more structure to my business, I’m clearer on how I help women and what I’m selling, I know when to promote, I have a system in place, I have my core pillars, I know how I want to run my programs and deliver my content and I feel more confident about hosting discovery calls with people who are actually interested in my programs.” – DORA
Boost Your Visibility Course
Course Only- 4 Modules
- Bonus Service Structures for coaches
- BonusFB Group Growing strategies
- Bonus Branding Tips Workbooks
- 5 Q/A Replays
- Facebook Support Group for you
- Bonus 5-Day Visibility Course Challenge ($147 value)
Boost Your Visibility Course
PLUS Brand Clarity Breakthrough Session- 4 Modules
- 2-hour Brand Clarity Breakthrough call with Justina
- Bonus Service Structures for coaches
- BonusFB Group Growing strategies
- Bonus Branding Tips Workbooks
- 5 Q/A Replays
- Facebook Support Group for you
- Bonus 5-Day Visibility Course Challenge ($147 value)