
5 Clues You’re Out of Alignment with Your Natural Giftings

Business Mindset, Mindset To Manifest, PODCAST, Spirituality

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Let’s chat about clues that show you may be out of alignment with your natural giftings. Lately, my daughter’s been experiencing some stress around all the different paths she can take in her life right now. Seeing her navigate this hurdle made me think of this space here – accepting your natural giftings and being in alignment with them. There’s no doubt about the fact that we all face this hurdle at some point in our entrepreneurial journey. In fact, I’d almost say it’s a necessary path to take.

Five clues you're out of alignment with your natural giftings.

How often do you stress about…

What you should do?

What action you should take next?

Should you leave that soul-sucking job?

Should you launch that particular program?

Or, should you be operating the business you’re running as of now (or be doing something else)?

These questions may seem taxing; however, they are perfectly fine to ask. When you find yourself at the crossroads of answering each one, they actually give you very much-needed clues about your next steps. The biggest hindrance is when you get stuck in the answers. Once you’ve answered them, it’s time to take action.

it all boils down to your natural giftings

I often walk my clients through an exercise that invites them to take a look back at their childhood. While visiting memories, we hone in on experiences that endorse their natural giftings. These are what typically come to life in their chosen line of work.

If you just happen to do this exercise, pay attention to the little things that lit you on fire when you were just a kid. Think about the qualities you had that felt natural to operate in. Then, you’ll most likely arrive at the conclusion of what you should be doing.

Sometimes we let the fear of pursuing something new or the fear of missing out get in the way of living a life fulfilled. Are you worrying more about how you’re going to take care of yourself versus how much you can trust God to catch you when you take a leap into what feels natural and what feels good?

When I say what feels natural and what feels good, I’m referring to how you serve in this lifetime within the capacity of your everyday being, everyday energy, and everyday operations. If the thought of this space has you stumped or feeling out of alignment, let’s highlight some cues to confirm that notion.

5 Clues You’re Out of Alignment with Your Natural Giftings

These clues aren’t meant to be off-putting. The truth of the matter is we have to come to terms with any and everything that is attempting to hinder our God-given giftings and abilities. These are the very essence of what makes businesses work, and any portion of it being out of alignment can jeopardize your true potential.

As you read through these clues and questions, answer them truthfully. Take time to meditate on your responses and even write them down:

  • You feel drained and you dread showing up in your current career.
  • You’re trying to pursue something to prove you’re good enough.
  • Other people’s voices are louder than the still, small voice of God.
  • You’ve allowed industry trends to derail you from your own ideas and creativity.
  • When someone asks you what you do, you cringe at trying to respond.

Do any of these sound familiar? Were your responses “yes” more than “no?” If so, here are some action steps to start taking now:

  • Be okay with where you currently are in life and business, but decide today that you’re not going to stay there.
  • Revisit your why and the whole purpose for starting your business.
  • Take another look at your goals and see if your day-to-day tasks are genuinely getting you there.
  • Refresh your why, vision, mission, and goals that align with where you want to be in life in business.

Work with me

Then, work with me! From helping you get aligned in your business to launching your soulful signature service, I would love to link arms with you. There are 86,400 seconds in a day, it’s time to start using those doing what God ordained you to do!

Justina Ford


Justina holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, a Master’s in Human Service Counseling focused in Business, and additional training in the Emotional Freedom Technique and Splankna Therapy. She is an Amazon #1 International Best-Selling Author, Huffington Post Contributor and Contributing Author of Notes to Younger Women. She also serves as a Commercial Makeup Artist to Professional Photographers, Marketing and Advertising Teams. She is an intuitive business coach and Christian energy healer. She calls herself The Soul-Purpose Alignment Strategist. She helps new and aspiring Christian Coaches and service based Mompreneurs to overcome limiting beliefs surrounding their purpose and their call to create in the marketplace.

You can also find her in her Facebook Group The Purposeful Pursuit to a Beautiful You


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Five clues you're out of alignment with your natural giftings.
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