
4 Myths About Money & How to Change Your Mindset About It

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Do you get stressed when you think about the idea of money? Perhaps growing up, your family just didn’t talk about money. Maybe your parents argued about money or you grew up where you felt there was a shortage of resources and money is a sensitive subject. There is no doubt in my mind that there are myths out there about money and we as women in business need to change our mindset about it in order to have successful money conversations in our businesses. Let’s open the conversation about money! I’ll start with breaking down myths the world has created about money. Hang on though because your mindset about money is going to change once you realize these myths are wrong. 

Myths About Money & How to Change Your Mindset About It

1. You Shouldn’t Ask How Much a Person Makes

One myth about money that needs to be changed is that it’s taboo to ask how much a person makes. Sometimes asking the hard questions can help YOU understand how a person is making their life work. What if you want to do their line of work? What if you’re about to start a business?  If you don’t ask you may never know, which means you may be shifting yourself. Let’s be honest, sometimes you’re just curious about what someone makes and that knowledge means you get to have insight into another industry. Of course there are polite ways to ask, but never hold yourself back from getting the info you need about salary, typical rates, and standard quoting and invoicing for your desired industry. If you do, you’ll stunt yourself financially, out of fear. 

2. You Shouldn’t Talk About Your Salary

No one truly knows why the world thinks it is rude to talk about your own personal salary. However, this is a myth that needs to be changed. When talking about money it’s safe to involve talking about our salary. If you landed that perfect job and you’re EXCITED about your new salary, then you should totally share about it and allow those who love you and care about you to celebrate you. If your business has been blessed financially, share that with your audience and give thanks to God publicly. 

When you talk about salary your heart has to be in a place of gratitude and honor to God for provision through your work. It also allows other people to know what’s possible. If my first coach didn’t share her monthly income with me, I wouldn’t have known what was possible in the field of coaching. So when God is blessing you financially, speak about it with joy and confidence. Let’s change the “taboo” part of talking about one’s salary. Let’s talk about it and get excited! In the first quarter of this year, we made $21,000 in sales and we give all the praise and honor to God for giving us the wisdom to create wealth! 

3. You Shouldn’t Ask About What Someone Paid for an Item.

Sometimes out of curiosity, you may ask someone what they paid for something, for example, their house or home. In today’s society that can come across as taboo? Why? I think the bigger question is heart management, why are you asking? Is it to know what’s possible because you believe the item or home is beautiful and you’re wanting to know what it may take to achieve it? I see nothing wrong. If it’s to shame a person or judge a person then asking what they paid isn’t warranted. I believe that money has all sorts of emotions attached to it: joy, shame, contentment, anxiety, and stress can all be associated with money. This is what makes these types of conversations taboo. However, if we start asking these questions and have an open conversation, then the conversation about money can start changing! 

4. Talking About Money is Considered Bragging

This is a big myth! When someone talks about money, then it’s automatically assumed that they are bragging. It’s okay to talk about money, good and bad. So, how does one walk in confidence when it comes to money conversations?

  • Acknowledge your fear of judgment 
  • Know what heart space you’re coming from
  • Feel comfortable putting yourself first

Talking about money isn’t considered bragging. Money is a tool to get you to where you need to go. Money has no moral value. It is just something that allows you the resources to provide for your family, live a desired lifestyle, and create influence and impact

How to Change Your Mindset About Money

Now that you’ve been introduced to several myths about money, you may be wondering how to change your mindset about it. Your first step is to stop being vague about your money goals & desires. The truth is that you need to be bold enough to talk and share your specific goals and desires around money, resources, and provision. When we open the conversation and TALK about money, it’s amazing how things start changing! Stop allowing those thoughts in your head about money to get to you. It’s okay to talk about money, it’s okay to make money, and it’s okay to use money as a tool and resource to help you reach the BIG goals that God has placed in your heart. 

I am not an accountant, financial advisor, or anything like that, but I am a business mindset coach that can help you build confidence in having a money conversation with yourself and with your clients. SO sales mindset is my expertise. If you want to ease the fear of rejection when it comes to sales and begging to confidently fight those objections I’d love to help you!

Justina Ford


Justina holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, a Master’s in Human Service Counseling focused in Business, and additional training in the Emotional Freedom Technique and Splankna Therapy. She is an Amazon #1 International Best-Selling Author, Huffington Post Contributor and Contributing Author of Notes to Younger Women. She also serves as a Commercial Makeup Artist to Professional Photographers, Marketing and Advertising Teams. She is an intuitive business coach and Christian energy healer. She calls herself The Soul-Purpose Alignment Strategist. She helps new and aspiring Christian Coaches and service based Mompreneurs to overcome limiting beliefs surrounding their purpose and their call to create in the marketplace.

You can also find her in her Facebook Group The Purposeful Pursuit to a Beautiful You


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